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Barry had gone to the future.

He figured that the only way that he would ever get the answers that he wanted was if he went there himself to ask the Future Barry everything that he knew about Savitar. They still had just under two months left until her death date which meant that they still had some time to learn how to stop him.

Alex had tried her best to convince him to let her go as well, but considering that she was dead in that future, he wasn't going to risk it. He didn't know how her being there would effect their future friends and not to mention that he just wanted her to be safe in that timeline.

However, they had bigger issues at the moment than figuring out how to save Alex. Caitlin had gone into shock the night before and her body couldn't sustain the damages that had been done. She had died, but Julian wasn't about to let that happen to her, he couldn't lose her - none of them could.

He had made the executive decision to rip off the only thing keeping her from being Killer Frost. Her metabolic rate had sped up and she healed herself. However, it had worked at little bit too well. She turned fully into Killer Frost and escaped. They had no idea where she had gone or if she was okay.

It was a snowstorm out when she had escaped. Alex wanted to leave and find her but in that snow, it was way too dangerous. She couldn't see anything and running that fast would be frictionless on her boots. Instead, she reluctantly stayed inside the warm building.

With everything that was going on, Alex hadn't expected Barry to want to travel to the future. Nonetheless, she and Wally had gone at their top speed to create enough energy to create a portal and push him through it. The waited at the entrance of the pipeline for him to return, which hadn't even been ten seconds later.

The first thing that Barry had done was pull Alex into a long, heartwarming kiss. Even though he was in the future for less than a day, seeing his future self so heartbroken over losing her had caused him to feel much the same way. If it wasn't for Wally, literally pulling them apart, they would have been there for way too long.

The three of them raced back up to the lab and gathered everyone back to explain what he had found out. Turns out that Caitlin had teamed up with Savitar. He was the only person that was able to give her what she wanted: one side of her. Unfortunately, that side happened to be Killer Frost, not Caitlin Snow.

Barry said that he would explain everything in depth in the morning. They had way too long of a night and everyone was going to need some rest if they planned to take down Savitar sooner than expected. Everyone departed their own way and back to their homes, thinking about the hectic and crazy day they just had.

Alex wanted some answers that night. The two settled down into their bed and she laid on her side to face him. "I know what you're thinking right now," Barry said, facing her as well. Her fingertips trailed up and down his bare arm making a chill go down his spine.

"Oh yeah?" Alex put a bit of a smug look on her face. "Did you gain a new super power while you were in the future? Or do you just know me that well."

"Well there's usually two things going through your mind all the time: sex," Barry stated, to which he was correct. Alex shrugged at his accusation. "And worrying about the people you love. I'm gonna guess after this day, its the latter."

"What happened when you were there? What was the team like?" Alex questioned, answering his question.

"There was no team," Barry answered. "When you died, everyone lost hope. Future me drove everyone away I guess. Caitlin broke Cisco, losing that friendship and taking away his hands. Wally went after Savitar on his own and he shattered his spine, he... he never recovered."

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