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Alex didn't realize the toll of keeping secrets had done on her

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Alex didn't realize the toll of keeping secrets had done on her. She felt more at ease after she told them the truth about everything, even if Wally was mad at her. At least they knew about it and she didn't have the pressure of hiding it anymore. How they choose to react to it, was on them.

Dylan was mostly in denial that it was going to happen. He felt confident in the people that he had just met that day that they would find a way to save his sister from this Savitar guy. He didn't know why he had so much faith, but he did. Alex spoke highly of them, he guessed that his trust rubbed off from that.

Wally on the other hand, was furious that not only Alex, but his family kept this secret from him. They should have told him the truth the moment that they all knew too. Alex took the blame for it all, claiming that she didn't want them to tell him what was going to happen to her.

He would understand it one day, at least she hoped that he would. Alex had already played with fire once with keeping life changing secrets from him, she had lost when Barry changed the timeline. She had risked it again and hoped that it would end up better this time.

Alex had been invited to coffee with the West's, Cecile, and her daughter Joanie. She denied, saying that she needed to spend that afternoon with Dylan to explain better what had happened to her in order for her to have seen the future. She told him everything that had happened since Barry returned from Flashpoint.

It was a lot to take in but if Dylan wanted to be able to understand it then he needed to know exactly what was going on in their lives. Even the gruesome things that Alex hated to admit on what happened to her and Barry. She knew that he wouldn't be happy with how much she got hurt.

Barry had texted her that Yorkin had arrived in the middle of their little coffee date to attack Joe. They were okay, thankfully. He said that she didn't need to worry and that they had it all under control. Alex reluctantly listened to his words and stayed with her brother. He was thankful for Barry to tell her to stay.

The rest of the evening, Alex apologized once more for how she had behaved during most of her life towards her brother. She felt so bad for pushing him away when their mother left them and even more so when their father died. She didn't realize how much he needed her support during that time, she was only worried about herself.

Alexandra never told him that she had looked for their mother again. He didn't need those old memories and new hopes brought back into his life. Dylan had his whole life ahead of him, he didn't need to be tied down by the past. They're mother was gone and that was final, it didn't matter where she was.

When Barry had called her that evening, Alex began to be worried. She had been away from the lab for most of the day and didn't know what was going on. It had turned out that Yorkin broke into Iris' apartment and infected her. She was in STAR Labs with Caitlin taking care of her - the cold side of her.

She apologized to Dylan but told him that she was needed there. He asked to come, which she had allowed as long as he stayed out of the way of everyone. This wasn't training, this was the real deal and he needed to know that lives were at stake if they didn't get the job done. They raced back to the cortex to find that no one was there.

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