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Alex had a weird feeling in her gut ever since they brought Wally back to STAR labs in his cocoon

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Alex had a weird feeling in her gut ever since they brought Wally back to STAR labs in his cocoon. She wasn't sure if it was herself worrying about him or if it was something different. Either way, she kept silent about it and continued on with her night trying to figure it out.

Barry seemed to be okay after his little run in with Savitar. Caitlin and Cisco used their powers to save him and she couldn't be more relieved about it. He made it back safe and sound just like she had. A minute later and he could have been dead. The moment that she hugged Caitlin was when her weird feeling started.

Upon realizing that there was nothing that the team could do for Wally, Joe headed back to CCPD to see if there was anything that he could do there. Iris, Alex, and Barry stayed with Wally to make sure that if something were to happen that they would be there to see it through. Barry wasn't sure who was more worried: Iris or Alex.

Although Alex had known him for so much longer, Iris was his blood family. Both the women cared for him and that was all that mattered. It wasn't some competition to see who would sacrifice more for Wally and they knew it. Both of them had important, yet separate roles in his life and they knew it.

Alex was zoned out in thought when Barry shook her shoulder to snap out of it. He had called her name several times to get her attention but she hadn't heard any of them. She jumped at his touch but relaxed upon realizing that it was just him and that there was no threat in the room.

Barry asked if she was okay. "Yeah, fine. Just worried about this Savitar guy," Alex lied. Though she was worried about stopping him, she was more concerned about why she was feeling so anxious. The odd feeling that consumed her was getting worse and it was driving her nuts. She had no idea where it was coming from.

She told him and Iris that she was going to stretch her legs. Just as she reached the hallway she noticed that Caitlin was looking awfully suspicious. Alex followed her down the hall, assuming that the brunette hadn't noticed her stalking behind. She was confused as she was led down to the pipeline.

Caitlin had no reason to go down there and it confused her even more when she stopped in front of an empty cell. Alex finally made herself known and stepped out from the shadows. Caitlin had her back faced towards her but she knew that Alex was standing there, she had known the whole time that she was following her.

As soon as she noticed she was being followed, her course had been changed from exiting the building to the basement. She couldn't have Alex following her to where she was going, she would only try to stop her. When Caitlin finally turned around to face her, her warm brown eyes had turned frosty white.

"Cait..." Alex trailed off, immediately noticing the change of her eye color. It was the same as Killer Frost on Earth-2. Cisco's vibe was coming true, she was turning into her own worst nightmare. Helping Barry fight off Savitar must have been the finally turning point for her.

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