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"Cisco what the hell was that?"

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"Cisco what the hell was that?"

Alex had been minding her own business in STAR Labs, working on a device to somehow stop their new metahuman, when she had a vibe. It was obvious that the vibe was Cisco's, not to mention that she saw him watching the scene unfold in front of them. He didn't know that once again she had been dragged into it.

It was a future vibe about Cisco, as Vibe, fighting Killer Frost. They were in a forest somewhere and for a second she thought it was just a memory from back on Earth-2, but it was different. She could sense that the scene was different and that the Killer Frost he was fighting wasn't the one that they met already.

It was their Caitlin. Alex didn't understand how, or why he had vibed it, but she needed to know. It was why she dropped everything that she was doing and ran the lab to go find him. He was by himself, leaning one the desk that he was previously working on and seemed to be in the same kind of shock that she was.

"It was Caitlin," He shakily began. After coming back from Earth-2, she knew how spooked he was about her becoming Killer Frost. He was terrified that his best friend of many years was going to turn evil on him. "She asked me to vibe the future for her, and that was what I saw. We were fighting.

"She has powers, now, in this timeline, on this Earth," Cisco finally revealed. Alex stood there in shock. Never had she ever shown signs of having powers. It had been three years since the explosion, how was she only getting them at that point in time? She wondered if she had them before Barry changed the timeline.

"Who else knows?" Alex finally asked after trying to process what he had told her.

"No one. Just us," Cisco said. "It was why she went to go visit her mother, she wanted to get her help to find a cure but there is none. She doesn't know about the vibe, you can't tell her about it. And you can't tell anyone else on the team about her having powers. She made me promise to keep it a secret."

"I won't, I swear," Alex assured. She hated having to keep something like this from Barry but she couldn't betray Caitlin's trust like that, especially since she didn't even know that Alex knew. Caitlin had always been the kindest person, there was no way that she could ever turn into someone like Killer Frost.

Even when Alex had first joined the team, Caitlin was still nice to her, even if she was a little scared by her and her powers. She was so different than the Caitlin on Earth-2, and Alex hoped that it would stay that way. They needed her on the team, as herself, and with her bio-engineering knowledge.

When Zoom had taken her, the team felt lost without her there to support and help them. If she was to go away for good, they didn't know what what happen to them. Every member of the team was a necessity to keeping Central City safe and they needed to keep it that way. Caitlin would stay herself or Alex would die trying.

"Alex! We need you down here, now," It was Barry's voice over the speakers. Alex looked wearily at Cisco, wondering what could have been going on for him to sound so worried. She grabbed hold on the engineer and raced them both down to the speed lab where Wally had been sitting and getting tests done on him.

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