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Alexandra Holt was doing something that she didn't think that she would do again in a very long time or if ever

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Alexandra Holt was doing something that she didn't think that she would do again in a very long time or if ever.

The cool December air filled the streets of Central City. Christmas carols filled the stores, lights covered every inch of space that was available, and decorations filled homes. It was supposed the most wonderful time of the year, yet Alex was once again hesitant to succumb to the traditions of the holidays.

Last year's Christmas she had locked herself in her home and despised anyone that looked at her with a Santa hat on. She hated the holiday with everything that she had and was determined to think that nothing would change that. Christmas was filled with families that loved each other and warm food that fed the bellies of everyone.

This year was different. Barry had somehow convinced her that she should give the season another chance and maybe she would enjoy it. She had agreed to his begging, but was still hesitant to the idea. For so long she convinced herself that she didn't need the holiday to be happy.

Barry had changed so much about her and that included her dislike to anything red and green. The two were in her apartment with music playing through her speaker. He had tried to convince her to play Christmas music as well but that had pushed it too far. Instead, the two were drinking hot chocolate and decorating the tree they had bought earlier that day.

With laughs, jokes, and lots of kisses, the two decorated the tree that sat in the corner of her living room. Barry hoisted Alex up to place the star on top of the tree. She was too short to reach it and although he could easily place it on top, he wanted her to have the final touch in her first Christmas tree.

There were a few other small decorations placed around. Two stockings hung on her TV stand with the letters B and A on the front of them. When they finally finished around her apartment, they settled on the couch drinking the last of their hot chocolate. Truth be told, she had a lot of fun with him decorating her place.

"Hey, Bare," Alex started. He was intently watching the movie that they had on the screen but she couldn't help but gaze at him. Barry looked over at her, a smudge of hot chocolate still at the corner of his lips. She wiped it away with the pad of her thumb but kept her hand placed on his cheek. "I know Joe was planning to have everyone over, and that his house is a lot bigger than here but I want to have everyone here. I wanted to do it after we stopped Wells and I never got the chance."

"You want me to talk to him?" Barry asked. Alex nodded her head, she could talk to him herself but he saw Joe a lot more often. He was ecstatic that she wished to have people over at their place. She had such a beautiful home that no one every got to really see. "You know if we have people here that means that you admit you like Christmas now."

Alex had called her brother the day before to see if he would like to join her and her friends for Christmas. She had gone into the call expecting him to say no, so when he said he already had plans she didn't feel too disappointed. He did however, promise to meet up before the new year. It wasn't that he didn't want to spend time with her - it was that him and his friends had been playing their Christmas for months.

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