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Ever since she saw the future, Alex wondered what life was like after death.

She didn't know if there really was a heaven or hell, or if everything just became blank. No one truly knew what it was like after death but everyone was always curious as to what the answer truly was. Many became estranged on trying to make up for their sins while others couldn't care less about amending their wrongs.

Alex had tried her hardest to fix what she broke in her life. It wasn't because she was worried about being sent into some post-death stasis of hell, no she had done it because she knew that she could. There was no high power reason for her to change her life, she had done it because of Barry Allen.

When she left to go onto Earth-2, she made him promise that he would never sway his ways of his morality. She didn't however, think that she would be forced to sway hers. Alex made Barry promise that no life would be traded in exchange for hers and she thought it was going to be him to have trouble withholding that promise, not her.

Alex Holt was slumped against a small table with her hands tied behind her back. With her powers, it would be an easy escape, without them, she wasn't sure if she could get out of it. It wasn't just her strength and speed that were taken from her, it was her additional smarts as well. She had to rely on only what she knew.

After trying to shimmy out of the ropes or use whatever she could grab to escape, it was no use. She was truly and utterly powerless. Her eyes closed and with a wave of frustration, she jutted her head back onto the table. Less than an hour until Savitar killed her and all she could think about was wanting to be held by Barry one last time.

Movement from behind one of the crates caught her eye. Her attention was pulled towards it and she was surprised to see HR crawling towards her. With wide eyes, she wondered what he was doing there and how he managed to find her. It wasn't until she noticed the blade of Savitar's suit in his hand did she figure out how he found her.

"Hi," he whispered. "Let's get you out of here," HR cut the ropes that were holding her, and she asked where everyone else was. HR was never the one to make bold moves like this, she was surprised to see him there, particularly alone. "I couldn't tell Barry, or Savitar would know I was coming."

Suddenly, the blade that he was holding flew out of his hand and flew right towards the suit where Savitar and Killer Frost were standing. With wide eyes, the two scurried out of there. It was Caitlin that followed after them. There was no way that they could out run them without her speed.

"I don't have my powers, we can't out run them," Alex worriedly told him. There was no point in both of them being caught, she was the one that they wanted, not him. HR agreed with her, but instead of running by himself, he pulled out his transmogrifier and used it to look exactly like her. Instead, she looked like him. It was like using her powers, but felt completely wrong. "No. HR, no, I'm not sacrificing another life for mine. Get out of here while you can."

"Yes you are," HR demanded, sounding like her. "I'm the reason that Savitar found you, I need to remedy that." Alex shook her head, she promised herself that no one was going to die trying to save her and he was doing exactly that.

"No, not like this, there's another way, there's always another way," Her voice cracked. "Get out of her-" Alex was cut off mid plea. Killer Frost caught up with them and blasted her into the nearest wall. Without her powers, she felt her body ache as she tried to stand up. Caitlin was ready to blast her again, this time more violently.

"No!" HR cried out. Alex was so used to using her powers to be someone else but seeing someone else be her was something she didn't think she would experience. Now was not the time that she wished to see it. "Don't. I'm the one he wants, okay? Please, don't hurt him," HR sounded exactly like her.

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