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"Wells, you can't be serious

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"Wells, you can't be serious."

After Alex announced that she had figured out how to open the breaches they had gone down to where the breach in the basement had been in hopes that Cisco would be able to open it. He failed, claiming that he was unable to at all. However, Barry had been dead set that the plan Alex came up with was right.

He had looked through where all the breaches as once been and found where the one with the highest trans-dimensional energy had been. The next day he and Cisco trudged out there looking to open up a breach there instead. Alex told them they she wasn't going to aid them in their scouring of getting back to Earth-2.

Right after they left, Wells took the initiative to find her and said that they had to help them. He had made the promise to Joe that he would do everything in his power to keep Barry safe if he was going to continue his warpath to reopening breaches. Alex argued with him for a long while saying that it was stupid to open them in the first place.

Somehow, Wells had convinced her to help him, help them. They were in a creepy abandoned mental institution, the moment she walked in she got chills down her spine. The place was somewhere she wasn't too keen on hanging around in. But, Harry did have a good point - Barry was going to get himself killed if he didn't have their help.

"What are you guys doing here? You said-" Barry was the first to notice their arrival. He was surprised to see both of them there and only hoped that they weren't there to stop them. Alex looked displeasled to be standing there but held the goggles that their evil Cisco had created for himself.

"I know what I said," Wells cut him off. He glanced down at his current partner, it was their last chance to back out of it if they wanted to. Alexandra only kept her eyes at the ground, they weren't going to stop no matter what. "But you're not gonna stop are you?" Barry shook his head. "Okay, Barry Allen, then we're gonna do what we can to make sure that you don't get killed."

Alex finally met her boyfriend's eyes. There was a gleam of happiness in them that she had finally seen his way that they needed to stop Zoom. "I re-calibrated these to the electromagnetic frequency of our Earth. It should help you access enough of the trans-dimensional energy to manipulate it. Just like Reverb."

"All I'm missing is the guyliner and the transformation is completely," Cisco complained. Alex handed over the goggles and he shoved them on his face. It was easy to tell that he wasn't too keen on the plan either, but she was sure that it wasn't the fact that they were opening the breach - it was how they were doing it.

The goggles lit up when he put them on. Cisco stuck his hand out in front of him and curled his fingers into a fist. He concentrated on opening the breach and the blue energy that was the same as the breaches formed around his hand. It was working, though Alex felt proud that she was correct it also meant that they were one step closer to Zoom.

Cisco continued to manipulate the energy creating a bigger and bigger breach. Barry was getting excited that it was working and had a grin plastered on. He looked over at the other two standing there, who didn't look nearly as pleased as he was. Just them showing up proved that they supported him enough in trying to stop Zoom.

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