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Killer Frost continued to keep having immaculate timing showing up in their lives.

First it was trying to save Tracy, then at Jitters, now in the cortex. When they took away Barry's memories, they also took away Savitar's. It was the plan, just a little more extreme than any of them wanted it to be. She showed up to help them figure out how to get the memories back.

Since Savitar lost all his memories, the cause and effect of it had taken away Wally's speed as well. They had a tough choice to make. Give Barry his memories and Savitar's along with get Alex killed, or keep them away and Wally loses his speed forever. The choice to Alex was obvious.

They needed Caitlin's help to get their memories back. Wally wanted his speed for so long and so desperately, she wasn't going to be the source that took them away from him. While Cisco and Julian worked alongside Killer Frost - Barry, Alex, Iris and Joe headed down to the speed lab.

If Barry wanted to be a speedster, then that was the best place for him to practice. He seemed to get the hang of running pretty quickly, it was the stopping part that he couldn't grasp. He ran laps and laps around the track, amazed by these powers and what he could do.

"I don't think I've ever seen Barry this happy before," Alex watched him. The perks about her being a speedster, was that the blur that the West's saw, she could see the grin that was stuck on his face as he ran. "I mean it's the first time in his life that he hasn't been dragged down by his parent's deaths."

"You don't want his memories restored, do you?" Joe raised an eyebrow at her. She had thought about it quite a bit during that day. When Barry created flashpoint, it was to relieve his pain, now, he had that again. She wanted what was best for him, and maybe this was just it.

"I think Alex is right, dad," Iris joined her side. "I mean I can't say that seeing him this happy and light isn't something that I have wished for him, because, yeah, it is."

"I wish that for him too," Joe told the girls. "But Alex, you didn't fall in love with the Flash, you fell in love with Barry Allen. Until yesterday, Barry had twenty-eight years of experience to define him, and some of those memories were bad, but some of them are good too. Without those memories, the Barry Allen you know and love is gone."

Barry had raced down the ramp once again, this time landing a bit of a better stop. He gained his balance again right in front of Alex who helped stabilized him again. "Do you wanna run with me? Please?" Barry had a glimmer of happiness in his eyes. Alex looked over to the father-daughter duo, who nodded their heads.

"Of course, my love," Alex nodded. Iris watched them with admiration as they ran around the track. Several times she had heard the couple call each other that and each time her heart melted a little bit. Iris thought that it was the cutest thing that they called each other that pet name.

No matter what her father thought about what they should do with his memories, Iris wanted him to stay that way. She wanted what was best for her friend and she knew that this could be it. Iris truly believed that this was a blessing in disguise for him. No matter what he remembered, his love for Alex was going to still be in his heart.

Barry seemed to enjoy running alongside Alex. It was just as every other time was for her, but for him, it was everything. Racing her felt familiar to him, even though he couldn't point out the exact reason behind it. Alex laughed as she kicked her speed up a gear and surpassed him by a lot.

He tried his best to catch up to her but couldn't seem to do the trick. As soon as she was out of sight from him, she stopped and turned invisible. It took him several more laps to notice that she had disappeared again. He stopped and yelled out her name to see where she was.

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