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After the events that occurred in Oilver's home, they had decided it was best to head back to the Arrow Cave as well as call Diggle to inform him on what happened

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After the events that occurred in Oilver's home, they had decided it was best to head back to the Arrow Cave as well as call Diggle to inform him on what happened. It was a lot safer and they could get the information that they needed. Oliver called Lance - who worked at the police department - to see if he could get any more information on their mystery man.

They still knew nothing about him which had already proved dangerous. Alex pressed her hand into her shoulder where the knife had cut her. Though she thought it was only a scratch, the knife had gone deeper than she initially expected. It was obvious that Barry was no where near as fast as he once was - he used to be able to catch a bullet but struggled to catch a knife.

He picked up on her wince of pain and grabbed her still bloody hand. Alex tore it away and wiped the blood on her black jeans. She was fine and there was no point in worrying him or anyone else. Barry shook his head, mad at himself for not being fast enough. She looked up at him in a way that said that he didn't need to worry about it.

Cisco revealed that he had powers to not only Kendra but the whole Arrow team. They were shocked to say in the least, but were grateful of the information that he had provided. He had a vibe about Kendra, she had wings and was able to fly. The connection seemed to make sense with their mystery man wanting to kill her.

"Oh, I did not see that one coming," Felicity breathed out. She had taken a lot of news in the span of one day and to be honest didn't think she could handle anymore surprises. Just as she finished speaking, all the lights in the room had blacked out and switched back on only a few seconds later.

"Oh I think there's a lot you didn't see coming," There was a new man, along with a herd of men standing behind him. Oliver and Diggle had their guns raised while Alex had stood in front of them all in a way of protection. She always felt the need to be the one to be in the forefront, it was a habit she gained since being with the Flash.

"Great, more surprises. Who the hell is this guy?" Cisco sarcastically asked. Thea had answered that it was her dad which led both of the men to reluctantly lower their guns. Alex narrowed her eyes at the people standing before her. She had recognized their clothing, the way they entered the room, even how they stood.

"The league?" She questioned aloud. Dick Grayson continually proved himself to be useful in not only power, but knowledge as well. There was only one group of people that could sneak in to such a hidden and secure place like that. Thea's dad - and the rest of the room - raised an eyebrow at her.

"You know?"

"A lot more than you think."

"The man you're looking for is Vandal Savage," he ended the conversation rather quickly and spoke of the reason that he was really there. "Some say he was the most trusted adviser to Genghis Khan. Others say he guided Julius Caesar through the Gallic Wars. But one thing the League knows for sure... he was there for it all."

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