My Mistake

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{Niklaus POV}

"Stefan, stop." the words came out of my mouth as Stefan made contact. "STOP!" Thankfully he did and stepped away. The girls hands released my head and her legs unrevealed from my neck. Sweet, sweet relief, I thought as the color slowly crept into my hands. My sister rushed to my side to help me to my feet as the girl with copper hair scrambled to the boy who was gasping for air.

I could hear her sobs in between his gasps for air. I may have stopped Stefan from killing him but not quick enough to keep him from breaking the poor boys sternum. "Please help him." she croaked out. Choking on her own tears, "Please help my brother. I'm so sorry. Please." she bowed her head to her younger brother.

Rebakah passed me a pleading look, asking if I'll allow her to aid them. I simply tilt my head towards them and she's there in the split of a second. Wrist open and on his mouth. Stefan simply stood and watched. By the look on his face I could tell that even he felt he had gone too far. As the camp returned back to silence the sound of the breeze, birds and waves returned. And all the cabin doors opened slightly with little heads poking out. Curious to see if it was safe. They all seemed so young.

Jayy got to her feet and helped Rebekahn "Thank you." then her brother stood. The girl that had come out first to break my sister's neck returned and helped James into a cabin and stayed. Standing firm, I watched the girl apologize to my sister who gave her a slight nod as she gestured to me. I crossed my arms and stared down the girl who had moments ago, taken me down in a few seconds flat. I should kill her and be done. She is too powerful to be left alive, but that would be such a waste. I can't allow her to become my enemy though. I guess that only leaves me with the option of alli.

"I believe we've gotten off on the wrong foot." she spoke with a slight southern drawl as she stepped closer towards me. All of the children's heads had popped back into their cabins with one glance from her. Her green eyes settled on me. They were so vibrant. They were green like the forest around in the north west with flecks of green like grass. Her pupil had a thin line of gold circling it. If we weren't being watched I might have melted.

"Well you're bound to start off wrong if you attempt to kill before we even have a chance to speak our piece." now it's my turn to step towards her. She mirrors my step and smirks up at me.

"Well when you hear that the original hybrid is headed straight for you, you can't help but get ready for a fight. Especially considering what happened to the last pack you came across.'' She dropped her crossed arms and lent me her hand. I took it without hesitation. It was covered in dirt but soft, I looked down at her bare feet and they were covered in dirt as well. "My name is jayy. I'm the alpha of the pack."

"I'm Niklaus. And this is my sister Rebekah and that is Stefan.'' I gestured to the others and her gaze followed. She let out an exhausted sigh and raised an eyebrow when Stefan met her gaze.

"I fear you wasted your time coming here." she squared up to me. I had to tilt my head a bit down because of her height to meet her eyes.

"And why is that?" tilting my head to the side. The only reason I came was for her.

"I'm the eldest of this pack. There are only two others over the age of sixteen and the majority of this pack is younger than fourteen. Too young to turn into hybrids. That and we don't want to control our shifts." she tilted her chin up slightly.

Now this peaked my attention. And Rebekahs, "Wait so have all these children triggered their curse."

"Yes, all of us have. And please don't call it a curse. We aren't cursed." she kept her tone calm and paced even though rebekah had slightly irritated her.

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