After Hours

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{Jay POV}

Rebekah and I sat on the hood of a car while nik paced in front of us.

"How did you know?" rebekah asked me as i laid back and shut my eyes.

"Well from what the dead had to say was the witch hated nik, and if i were the one doing it it's what i would've done. Trick them into killing what could have given them what they wanted.'' I stared up at the night sky. Everything was so overwhelming now. It felt like I had taken a couple of Adderall.

"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you." rebekah poked at niklaus.

"Well you know how she hated me sister." I felt him lean on the car. So I scooted away, slightly. I could tell they both took notice in it but i didn't care much. Everything felt different. Heightened. Adjusting was going to be a pain. "It was her failsafe."

"If you had killed her in the ritual you wouldn't be able to sire a new species." she stated.

"Leaving me alone for all time." he responded. To this I prop myself up on my elbows to pay closer attention. Nik looked at me with a touch of pain in his eyes.

"Is that what this is all about? Your obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?" Rebekah sounded hurt.

Niklaus had moved his gaze to the ground while shifting on his feet uncomfortably. I could see his eyes watering slightly and I began to pity him. "What i want is to leave this one pony town, so uh- why don't you go get the truck, Jay, you escort stefan back home get a bit of a survey of the town then come straight back and i'll grab elana."

Rebekah and I looked at each other before sliding off the hood to go do what he asked. We were a good bit away before I saw the shape of someone walking up to niklaus. I knew who it was and I knew him well. But we were on opposing side once again, and I don't want to make this any harder than it has to be.

Stefan and I ran all the way back to his home. Running is my favorite perk so far. Along the way i told stefan to show me the places i need to know, so it took us a while. When we got there we came in through the back. I could hear voices in the living room so I held Stefan back so I could listen in.

"I'll never leave you again." the man spoke. It was a painfully familiar voice.

"Damon. There were two girls with him, one was his sister and the other- well she mentioned you. She was threatening stefan and she said i don't care if your damon's brother. At first I thought she was a witch but when she turned her eyes and teeth were different. They were like klaus's. I never got her name though.'' Elena's voice was still shaky.

"Hmm, kind of ginger with green eyes?" he asked. I smile at the fact he remembered me.


Stefan broke from my grip and leaned on against the entrance to the living room, "well this seems cozy?"

I could hear damon jump to his feet. I froze at the idea of facing him again. "What are you doing here brother?" His voice made me weak in the knees. I felt like I could crumble. No. I felt awful for how I had left him before all this.

"Last i check i lived here." Stefan walked further into the room and I heard glass clinking. "Klaus will be gone soon now that i've helped his pet get a lay of the town but uh he asked me to keep in eye on that one till he returns."

I vamp sped out. I remember when I met him just over a year ago. He was drawing too much attention to himself and I was getting paid a good amount from the vampire family who claimed that area to put him down. But I fell for him instead. I wanted to help him. He wasn't a ripper, or murderous, he was drowning in his emotions. We spent an entire moon cycle together. I told him I was a witch and the night before the full moon he asked to move on with him to meet his brother here in mystic falls and instead I left. It broke my heart to walk away but at the time there was no chance it could work. So i left him without a word while he slept in the bed we had shared.

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