No Attachment

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{Jay's POV}

The sounds of fifty or so people wandering around the yard and down stairs is excruciatingly hard for someone with supernatural hearing to deal with first thing when they wake up. I held a pillow over my head trying to drown out the sound of all the ruckus, it was useless. Hayley had come busting through my door complaining about all the people in the house.

"Get up. Kim is already at the barn waiting for us." she crossed her arms after pulling the pillow from my face, revealing a frown. "I get you've been feeling like shit from your little meltdown but we've got things to do."

I sighed and rolled out of bed, pulling on a pair of jeans that were on the floor. "Let me just grab some blood then we'll be out."

"Fine but im driving." she said i followed her out the door, she went to the car while i went straight for the fridge, shoving some blood bags into my backpack. Looking around the lockwood mansion i could just tell i wasn't gonna want to be involved in all this.

Kim was sitting catching her breath after having turned for the fifth time just this morning. Hayley had been talking about tyler so much i finally just started to tune out her rant.

"Why don't i hear bones breaking?" I asked sarcastically after noticing Kim had taken a fifteen minute break. "I want you shifting back to back. No breaks."

"Have you even mentioned to Tyler that you like him?" I turned to ask hayley.

"No, he's with caroline." she sighed and looked at the ground.

"She's just a vampire. Tyler should be with a werewolf if he is serious about being an alpha."

"Well a vampire would live as long as him at least." she shrugged.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "They won't last. This cure is gonna tear them in different directions plus he is gonna have to leave this town soon."

"What are we even doing after everyone's unsired?" Hayley asked, wanting to move on from the topic of tyler.

I thought about how much I could tell hayley without letting the hybrid with us in too much. "We are going to liberate some werewolves in Louisiana then burn New Orleans to the ground."

Hayley looked like her eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. "What?"

I checked to make sure Kim was in full wolf form. "What's left of the crescent pack is in louisiana. Our birth pack. The witches and vampires in New Orleans have been tormenting them for decades. With the hybrids we'll have enough muscle to take them on."

"So rescue mission for possible family?" Hayley nodded her head, thinking about it. "I'm game."

Before I could say anymore Tyler came barging into the barn. "Caroline got us an extra day. Klaus asked her to the pageant tomorrow."

"Perfect." I smiled before turning back to see Kim shifting back to a human.

"So we're going?" Hayley perked up. She is really happy about this pretending to be together thing.

"No. i don't want to see Klaus drooling all over my girlfriend.'' Tyler cringed and I could see the excitement fade from Hayley's face.

"Y'all are going together. You need to keep up appearances." I shrugged and snapped my fingers at Kim, signalling her to turn again.

"Seriously?" Tyler groaned at me.

"Yes seriously. It'll make it easier for caroline to put on a show if it looks like you've moved on." I rolled my eyes.

"Plus it's at your house." Hayley added dipping her head and making puppy eyes. "I've never been to a rich richie party."

"Fine." Tyler turned and moved to leave the barn. "Wear a dress."

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