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{Jay POV}

The morning sunlight slowly leaked into the room and on to the bed. My eyes were shut but I could feel it's warmth, and the warmth radiating off nik's body. He was awake and playing with the tips of my hairs, I rested my head on his chest and felt it rise and sink.

"I want to stay like this." I whispered, keeping my eyes closed and snuggling closer to him.

He brushed my hair back a bit, using his finger he tilted my head up by my chin. Hes lips softly met mine. He pulled away and i couldn't help but open my eyes and give him a puppy dog glare. "Don't look at me like that, little bird. Your brother has been up for awhile now."

"I know. I know." I got up and took the sheet with me. I smiled so widely when he grabbed the sheet laughing trying to pull me back into bed. I was laughing so hard i had tears in my eyes as I fell on top of him.

"You can always sleep here again tonight." he laughed as he noseled into my neck. I rolled off the bed, landing with my feet on the floor. Grabbing the button up he was wearing last night. It smelled nice as I pulled it over myself, just long enough i thought as i button enough to keep myself covered. I could feel nik's eyes raking at my skin, a cheeky smirk resting on his face.

"That's a big maybe. It depends on james." I winked at him as I walked out the door. When i shut it i could hear him laughing as he threw his head back. I was grinning from ear to ear.

"James?" I called as I went into my room, but he wasn't there. I went over to the pile of clothes I had in the corner and got dressed in my jeans and a t-shirt. Barefoot i quickly went down the stairs. "James?" I called again.

"Kitchen." I heard him shout back. I vamp sped to the kitchen where he and Elijah were eating breakfast.

"Good morning, Jay." Elijah smirked at me.

"Morning, elijah. James how long have you been up?" i walked over to the little breakfast nook they were sitting at and gave him a lazy hug as ii kissed the top of his head. He was all dressed and ready to go. I contemplated getting a blood bag from the fridge, but i'd rather not have my little brother see that.

"Couple hours." he said shoving eggs in his mouth.

"Yes, he was actually kind enough to make this delicious food." Elijah smiled.

I grabbed a plate and loaded it up, "ya, he's a great cook." I took a seat next to my brother.

"You werent there when i woke up." he set his fork down and looked at me. "What's up with that?"

"Well you took over the entire bed so i found somewhere else to sleep." I gave him a funny look and stuck my tongue out at him. But Elijah passed on a knowing look and I laughed a bit.

"What's all this?" kol came strolling into the kitchen followed by finn, ester and nik.

"James wanted to cook us breakfast." Elijah stood up and took his plate to the sink.

"That's lovely james, thank you." Ester took Elijah's seat next to my brother and finn brought her a plate of food.

"No problem." he didn't even look up from his plate of eggs as he shoveled food in his mouth.

"Sorry, if there's food in front of him his mouth is full till there's nothing left." I smiled at Ester but her's disappeared. I felt Nik hold my shoulder.

"Do you need a lift into town?" nik asked.

"No i was just going to take him on the bike." I got up to put my plate away. And nik took over my seat. I sipped some of the coffee he had poured himself and leaned my hip against his shoulder.

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