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{Jay's POV}

"Please, no more." adian cried from the floor. Hayley and I were leaning against the post furthest away watching to see how Tyler and Hayley handle this.

Tyler crouched down and tried to nicely coach him through it. Explaining how to work through the pain. "Alright, that's enough!" Kim said, pulling Aiden to his feet. "This is torture."

"Kim stop, he has to finish." Hayley said blocking her path to the door.

"Not today, he doesn't." Kim snapped back as she undid his chains. I shook my head and stopped myself from intervening. These two need to learn how to be alphas.

Hayley looked back at me to say something but I just shook my head and gestured for her to keep going. "Yes today. Nate, Chris and Dean are all dead. That makes Adian klaus' right hand man. We can't let Adrian anywhere near Klaus till his sire bond is completely broken!"

Good, give them a reason to keep going, I thought to myself. Does not work when they are hard headed though. I frowned when it looked like Kim wasn't going to listen. Tyler stepped in their way. Good back her up.

"Hayley's right. The bond isn't broken till Adrian doesn't feel the pain of transformation. If Adrian wants to be free he has to keep turning." tyler reminded her.

"He doesn't have to keep doing anything. Isn't that the point of breaking the sire bond- free will?" Kim sneered. Crap, might have to kill this girl. I shook my head in disappointment.

Kim helped Adrian out of the barn glaring at me as she walked past. "Well that went well." I said rubbing my hands together and walking towards them.

"You could've helped." Hayley snapped back angrily.

"If I help everytime this happens yall wont learn a thing. Tyler, i get you dont want to be like Niklaus but to be an alpha you gotta learn to be a bit mean. But good job backing up hayley. Next time I'd suggest ramming your hand into her chest till she submits. And do it infront of the rest of the hybrids, it'll send a message." I explained while texting my brother.

"Uh-" tyler stuttered. "I don't want to force anyone to do anything they dont want."

I looked up from my phone and smiled at him before placing my hands on either shoulder. "Then call it tough love and get the fuck over it. Their options are limited. If you don't help them break the bond then Niklaus will either kill them himself or get them killed eventually. Do you want that resting on your conscience?" he shook his head no. "good, so we are clear 'bout what needs to be done, yeah?"

"Yeah." he stepped back and headed for the door to leave. Hayley was grinning from ear to ear watching him go.

"You know you can be a little intense, right?" she laughed and put up the chains.

"If i was all giggles and sunshine nothing would ever get done." I smiled back at her.

She stopped smiling and looked at me seriously. "Do we really need the hybrids for New Orleans? Isn't there another way?"

I gave her a questioning look. "There is. Just would take longer. More complicated. And a whole lot of luck." i analyzed the look on her face, i could tell the wheels were spinning in her head. "Why?"

"Nothing." she shook her head and began to walk out the door.

I grabbed her shoulder and sped infront of her. "What's on your mind?"

"You mentioned that the pact we're from is there. Like family?" she hesitated. "I just feel like you're not telling me everything."

"You're right. I'm not telling you everything." I confirm her suspicion. "And it's not because I'm hiding anything, just that i don't want to get your hopes up and be wrong."

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