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{Jay's POV}

"Morning, little bird." was the words that stirred me awake. "Didn't mean to wake you. Just getting our new guest situated."

I looked around the room to see the hunter being chained up to a wooden board. "I see you decided to keep a souvenir from your father.'' I was chained up to a chair with my arms strapped behind it, "look i know you wanted to talk but don't you think this might be a little much?"

His back was to me as he watched to make sure his hybrids had the hunter secure. "Oh you aren't here to talk about that." he turned around to face me, his arms crossed over his chest. "I need you to tell me everything you know about him."

"I don't know him." i said with a straight face. "Is this really necessary?"

"Well considering your recent resentment for communication i thought this would encourage you a bit." he smiled and pulled his phone from his pocket. "Sorry I have to take this."

He walked out of the room to talk on the phone with someone. I groaned and threw my head back. I bet i could break this chair, i thought to myself as i inspected it. It's just wood. The chains would probably slide right off after it's broken. I tried getting the chair off the ground a bit and smashing myself and it back down. Nothing. I turned to the hunter.

"Well this is a horrible situation don't you think?" I asked him. But he just kept with his sullen glare. "Fine. keep your opinions to yourself."

"Your brother's worried. Apparently you forgot to call him." niklaus grabbed the back of my chair, tilting it. "Don't worry, I told him you had a long night and overslept."

"Christ on a stick, Niklaus. I think you are kinda losing it right now." i said as he continued to pull me from the room. "I mean kidnapping and tying up your ex? Yikes."

"Oh shut up. I haven't lost anything yet." he said, shutting the door to the room we were previously in. He let the chair drop and I fell straight onto my back, hitting my head on the wooden floor. Maybe I deserve that. "I already told you it has nothing to do with our relationship statues."

"Right, this is just to make a point that whatever it is you want is worth hurting me?" I laughed as I kicked one of the chair legs off. "I just want out of this town and far away from the hunter."

"See and that is what I want to know about." he said, setting a blood bag on the table. He walked over and stood over me.

"Just stories became too real for me last night." I shook my head. "I don't want to find out just how real they are is all."

He sighed and took the chains off of me, leaving the witch cuffs on before dragging me over to the couch. Not gently might I add. "Drink. Tell me." he sat next to me and held the blood bag to my lips. I hesitated. "You know how I love theatrics."

"Mhm you could catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar ya know?" I took a tiny sip of the bag to see if there was any vervain or wolfsbane in it, there wasn't.

"I suppose, but this isn't a trap. Tell me what you know and you can go." he said still holding the blood bag up for me. I passed him a questioning look as I took another sip. I seriously doubt he'll just let me go but then again, i really don't know anything.

"It's a witch bedtime story. A very powerful witch turned to dark and dangerous magic. they pushed nature too far when they created the perfect immortality spell. The witch became a ferocious monster, set on ending everything because nature pushed back by withdrawing its gifts from the witch, magic. Eventually the other witches entombed the witch in the earth but because of the immortality spell they could kill them. So they all sacrificed themselves to create the five hunters. They gave them the gift against compulsion, strength, speed. So they can keep anyone from releasing them and hopefully someday, kill the witch." I sucked down more of the blood bag.

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