It'll Be Ok

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A week later


{Niklaus POV}

My phone began to buzz in my pocket as I drove. Already in a fowl mood due to Jay ignoring my calls. James' name pops up on my phone, well maybe he can get his sister to answer the phone.

"Hello little soldier, to what do i owe the pleasure?"

"My sisters with you right?" he sounded worried.

"No, has she not been answering your call as well?" he took in a deep breath. This can't be good.

"She hasn't answered for a week. At first I thought maybe she was just busy but now I'm just worried. Especially since she's probably not with you." he spoke quickly.

"Mhmm. Well, consider me on it. I'll find her.'' I gripped my phone tightly. While I didn't know if her ignoring me was cause to worry, I knew her not answering her brothers calls was a good reason to worry. "I'll have her call you the second i find her, mate."

"Thanks, nik. Yall be safe." then dial tone. Now I'm not normally a man of my word, like my dear brother elijah, but i prefer not to break the one i made to this boy. I threw the phone to the passenger seat and gripped the steering wheel tighter. While I was well aware of the fact that the group in mystic falls wanted me dead, I did not consider the idea of them laying a hand on her sweet soul.

I pressed harder on the petal speeding towards mystic fall. When my bloody phone began to ring. Stefan. Lovely maybe he can fill in the blanks for me. I climbed out of the car and into the woods.

"Portland is fantastic once you can get over all the whiney music and health looking people, it's literally a breeding ground for werewolves." I paced back and forth. "Where's Jay, she hasn't been answering her phone. I do hope your lot was not dumb enough to do anything to her."

"No one has seen her for a week." Stefan said in a monotone voice. Mhm ok then. "Your fathers dead."

"What did you just say to me?" maybe he did something to her.

"My mistake, not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"

I hadn't realized I was frozen in place. "Well first i want you to explain to me exactly what happened."

And explained he did.

"I want to see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself.'' This is far too good to be true.

"Well, he's here. Come by whenever."

"If your lying stefan you compulsion will expose you so answer with your life." I threatened him.

"It's true i saw it myself." he sounded bored on the other end.

"Well since jay has disappeared. I want to talk to rebekah."

"Not a problem. She's right here."

"Hello, nik." my sister sounded stiff over the phone. Something is wrong.

"Rebeka, love. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with a dagger?" please sister, i begged silently in my mind.

"It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good.'' Dear sister, you paused long enough to throw up every red flag there is. "I miss you. I'm miserable here."

"I'll be home soon." I shook my head lightly. I wish Jay wasnt missing so I could have someone I truly trust tell me this news. I hung up before she could say goodbye.

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