I Didn't Want This

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{Jay POV}

Loud music leaked into my room waking me up far too early this morning. I rubbed my eye as I swung my feet over the edge of the bed. Checking my phone it was maybe nine in the morning. Ugh. I was hoping to sleep till the day was over. I started walking to the day and stopped to make sure my large t shirt was long enough. I could hear rebekah complaining down the stairs. Yay, I'm not alone. I was halfway down the stairs when I bumped into her.

"Sorry," I said to her groggily. I reached my hand up to scratch my head but just felt matted blood.

"You look like a mess." She eyed me up and down.

"I feel like a mess." I let myself slump a bit before stepping past her.

"What are you doing today?" She was holding shopping bags and a grouchy face.

"Uh- getting a vehicle of sorts and then stalking the townies." I shrugged.

"Mm well feel free to join me at the high school." She gave me a cheeky smile and walked on. I continued down the stairs following damons and Stefan's voices.

First obstacle of the day was two dead girls at the bottom of the staircase. "Uh-" was all I could get out. Damon sped to me, offering a hand to jump over the dead girls. "Is this normal?" I asked him not to take my eyes off the girls. My mouth was so dry.

"No it's not. Come on.'' It was the beginning of the day and he already seemed exasperated. At least we were on the same page. I walked away from him towards the giggling and smell of blood. I was about to round the corner when damon spoke, "i wouldn't g-"

Too late I already saw. Stefan playing some fucked up vision of twister. I vamped myself out of the living room and into a wall in the hallway. I felt my fangs with my tongue "IS THAT NORMAL?!?"

He walked towards me and grabbed my arm kind of roughly. "I tried to warn you." he pulled me in the opposite direction, "come on let's get you some blood." I turned my head to the living room. Just astounded.

In the kitchen a sat criss cross on the counter. And watched Damon move around. He set a hot cup of coffee in front of me. That is what I wanted. I twisted my face in disgust when he tossed a blood bag at me. I set it down on the counter and pushed it in his direction. I really don't want that. "You have to drink it." Damon crossed his arms in front of him.

"I'm practicing restraint." I said , grabbing my cup of coffee. He sighed and turned around to the cabinet. He pulled down a to go coffee cup.

"Liar." He set it on the counter in front of him, shaking his head a bit annoyed he tore open the bag and poured the blood in before twisting the lid shut. He pushed towards me, "I remember you'd get all squeamish when i fed in front of you. But now you have to feed. Now drink."

"Well someone is feeling bossy today." I took the cup and sipped it. "Mmm, ok that's not so bad. Thank you."

"Good." he sat down at the little breakfast bar with his own coffee. "So Klaus has Stefan guarding Elena and ditched Rebekah here. What's he got you doing." he seemed so tired.

"I'm supposed to get myself a vehicle and observe yall." I went back to drinking my coffee. I purposely didn't finish the blood, I want to practice the stopping part, "Aslo to get used to being a vampire."

"Well I can help you with the car and the vampire stuff," he got up, i mirrored him, "take a shower, you're a mess." he walked off.

I grabbed my blood and coffee and sprinted up the stairs to my room. The second i saw myself in the mirror i was mortified. Nik hadn't gotten all the blood on my face and neck. And my hair looked like a bird's nest. This may take awhile. Letting the water get hot i examined my body more in the mirror. Even after turning my scars from the attempted binding are still there. My sternum, hands and base of the back of my neck were a permanent reminder of the hate the gemini and i have for each other.

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