A Game

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{Jay POV}

I woke up in our motel to see the sun just starting to rise. We had been looking for stefan since he had stolen niklaus' family. I checked the time on the new phone he had gotten me. 6:45. I looked at the bed next to mine and nik was still sleeping peacefully. I got up and started the little coffee maker in our room. Pulling a blood bag out of the fridge I began to text my brother. I've been doing it every morning and every night since I've gotten a new phone. My week long disappearance didn't sit well with him. Hearing him over the phone the morning after Nik killed Mikael, I could tell just how worried he had been and promised to check in with him regularly to ease his nerves. Nik suggested that i go stay at the camp for a while but i knew if i did i wouldn't want to leave my brother again.

I sat on the edge of my bed sipping my blood and waiting for niklaus to wake up. I was trying to be careful not to drip blood on the shirt i was wearing since it was his. All my things were still at the boarding house and i'm just hoping that damon has at least done me the courtesy of not throwing it all away. He tossed me into the cellar with Rebekah's desiccating body for mikael while they, im guessing, organized their plan against nik.

I dropped my empty blood bag into the trash. Nik and I have gotten a bit closer since we left. He's actually very funny, with a contagious laugh and i found out he likes to draw, i showed him a little time passing game with drawing. I smiled at his sleeping form. He looks so innocent, so I throw a pillow at his sweet face.

"Ughhh, five more minutes, little bird, please." he groaned and pulled the blanket over his face. Last night we went feeding and drinking at some bars. Nik showed me that I can compel away the human pain before i feed, it helps me not feel guilty.

"Youve got till I'm done in the shower to get your ass out of bed, bud.'' I grabbed the new outfit Nik had gotten me and headed to the bathroom.

I love the feeling of hot water in the shower, it made me want to linger and I did. Just letting it pour over me, relaxing my muscles, warming up my dead body. It was weird when i thought about the fact i was dead, so i tried not to think about it too much. I stepped out and toweled off before slipping into my black jeans and big grey sweater. I smiled remembering how at the store Nik lectured me about how all i wore was black, so i chose grey, just to be a little petty. It made him laugh though.

I stepped out of the bathroom to grab my shoes.

"Took you long enough. For a bit I thought you had drowned." he smiled at me. He was still in his jeans from the night before with no shirt. I looked at the birds he had on his chest. He leaned against the tv stand and took a sip of his coffee before handing me a cup. "We are going back to mystic falls today."

I took the cup and handed him his shirt. "Think stefans there?" I sat on the chair to pull on my shoes, black heeled boots with little zippers on the side. They made it so i wasn't a whole head shorter than Nik.

"Maybe, but i know the people he cares about are there." he slid on his shirt and sat on the edge of his bed to put on his shoes. "With some proper motivation, they can find him for me."

"Sounds like a good enough plan." I shrugged and tucked my phone into my pocket. "Ready?"

"Lets go." he grabbed the keys and jacket then we were off. Neither of us really had anything with us at the moment.


"Really? The grill?" I groaned. "Kind of hard to terrorize in public."

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