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{Jay POV}

The grass tickled my skin as the sun began to rise in the woods. I rolled from my sides to my stomach and touched the dew drops that clung loosely to the blades of grass. I grazed my hand over them, getting my hand wet before rubbing the water on my face to help wake me up. I rolled over on to my back stretching out my limbs. The sun felt calming on my bare skin, an amazing contrast to the cold wet grass. I sat up and looked around to see if there were any markings that could point me in the direction of the mansion. Hopefully it's not too far, I thought, remembering I was completely naked. Getting to my feet I sighed. I don't know where I am. I walked around looking for a fallen feather.

Relief flowed through my body when I found one. I held it close to my chest and whispered, "pluma super me manus ut ubi ego postulo ut." I pulled my hands from my chest and raised it to the air. It began to float away, I smiled and followed it. I picked flowers as I went. Holding those in one hand and a large stick in the other, dragging it behind me as the feather and i went. The area started to look rather familiar, I thought as I kept walking. Occasionally hitting a tree with my stick. The silliness of it made me laugh.

I heard a twig snap behind me and I whipped myself around. Dropping the flowers, I held up my stick defensively, I turned for a second to see that my feather was waiting mid air for me. When i turned back around i saw tyler lockwood.

He held his hands up in the air, "sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya."

I dropped my arm that was holding my stick and squatted down to pick up my flowers. "It's fine." I looked up and saw he was averting his eyes. Right, not normal to be naked if the woods. "By any chance do you have spare clothes."

"Just a second." he walked over to a tree and pulled a gym bag out. He rummaged through it a minute before tossing me a hoodie. I set my flowers and stick down nicely, then sliding into it.

"How was the mountains?" I asked as I pulled my hair out of the hoodie.

"Great actually." he looked at me with a confused expression. "You're- uh- sister was alotta help."

"Yeah, she's pretty awesome." i picked up the flowers and shoved them into the pockets. "Learned how to break the sire bond?"

"You aren't going to say anything to klaus are you?" he asked taking a step forward with a scowl plastered on his face.

"I don't plan on it. Especially since I'm sure hayley is helping the other hybrids as well.'' I smiled at him to ease the tension.

"Yeah, she said you had planned this." he relaxed but crossed his arms over his chest. "She also said you're the one responsible for everything west of the mississippi."

"You aren't going to tell niklaus are you?" I smiled cheekily, picking up my stick.

"No, I can't rat out the girl responsible for that network. It's kinda crazy. All the stories about you. They make you seem so-" he said.

"Old? Controlling? Scary?" I guessed picking up my stick again.

"No, smart, caring possibly a little ambitious." he smiled back finally.

"What can i say i'm a busy body dreamer." I chuckled. Thinking about how long it took to get all the packs organized out there. Getting everyone united.

"That's why you're helping klaus though right?" he pushed, "they said you're trying to find a better way for werewolves not to be the prey anymore."

"Yeah,"I nodded, not really knowing what else to say, "i'll- uh- see you around."

I quickly went back to following my feather. Listening to Tyler go back to whatever he was doing. He isn't supposed to be in town, I guess he missed his girlfriend. The sun was getting a little higher. I didn't feel as rushed as I did before since I'm all covered up now. I hesitated for a second at the clearing between the woods where I stood and the mansion.

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