Ch. 2

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"Jimin! Jimin unlock this door! You have to go to daycare!" I exclaimed, knocking on the twins bedroom door.

"No! Minnie no wan' go!" Jimin yelled back.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Minnie no wan' go! Daddy no go!" He yelled back and I could already see the pouty look on his face.

"Minnie, daddy has to go or else daddy cant buy you toys or snacks or your juice!" I tried to reason with him.

It was now the end of August and it was time for school to start again. When that happened I dreaded it more than anything. Jimin would get very clingy to me and Tae especially. Ever since their mom left, Jimin and Taehyung have been inseparable and very clingy to me. Everywhere one went the other one would surely be following. I didn't really know why because they never liked her really, but I think they're scared one is going to disappear and leave the other behind, or that I'm going to suddenly leave them too.

I heard the door click and a puffy eyed, teary Jimin appeared. I sighed and kneeled down his level, wiping his face gently as he sniffled. I ruffled his hair and fixed his clothes.

"Daddy be here when i home?" Jimin asked, rubbing his eyes.

I nodded, "I promise you I will be here when you get home and then we'll make your favorite dino nuggets and green beans tonight. Okay?"

"Kay daddy." Jimin said, calming down a little.

I helped him down stairs and helped him put his shoes on. Taehyung was already waiting anxiously on the couch munching on some oranges. He loved going to daycare because then him and Jimin play in the sandboxes we dont have.

I loaded them up in the car and drove them to the daycare. I dropped them off after promising Jimin for the 2nd time that morning that we would have his favorite tonight. I kissed them both goodbye and watched as Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him away.

I left and went to work. I climbed out of my car and went inside. Today was the first day of having a brand new class and to say I was nervous is an understatement. Yes, we teachers get nervous as well. My room was colorfully decorated and there was a bunch of different numbers and letters on the walls. I had every child seated boy girl at tables with their select name tags on their seats. My desk was nice and neat for now with my supplies and computer sitting on top of it.

I sat back in my chair and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and was content until I heard a small voice.

Namjoon POV

" I have to go?" Yoongi asked for the 5th time this morning.

"Yoongi, we've been through this, yes you do have to go." I sternly explained again.

I had just dropped Hobi off at preschool and Jungkook off at daycare, and now I was taking Yoongi to school. I know the kid didn't like school that much, but it was the law and he had no choice but to go. I just hope his teacher isn't like his kindergarten one where he was always picked on.

Now, my children are no angels by any stretch of the imagination. Hobi had trouble focusing, Yoongi had a smart mouth, and Jungkook was a little trouble maker. Though, in school they tried their best to be good, but I think Yoongi's teacher last year was out to get him. Who yells at a child for not participating in group work?

When we got to his school, I helped him climb out and held his hand as we walked through the building. We were one of the first ones here as the hallways were very quiet. I helped him find his class and he clung to my leg.

"Appa...Please dont make me!" Yoongi pleaded once more.

I sighed and crouched down to his level, "Honey, you have to go. You need school to be smart just like me! I promise you I will be here as soon as I get off today, and if you had a good day then we'll have lamb skewers for dinner, yeah?" I tried to compromise.

"B-But what if my teacher doesn't like me because I'm not like the other kids?" He asked again.

"I think all of my pupils are special in their own way." A male voice said from behind me.

I followed Yoongi's eyes and they landed on the most neat and...might I add attractive man I've ever seen.

"Are you Yoongi's teacher?" I asked, standing up while Yoongi hid behind my leg.

"I do believe so! I'm Kim Seokjin but please call me Jin! It's nice to meet you...?" He trailed off, sticking his hand out.

"Kim Namjoon." I said, shaking his hand firmly.

"And who is this?" He asked, crouching to Yoongi's height.

"I-I'm Yoongi." My son replied shyly, coming out from behind my leg.

"What a lovely name! Say, you wanna come check out the classroom? You'll be my first student this year to see it." Jin offered, pointing inside.

Yoongi looked at me for permission and I eagarly patted his back gently as a way of letting him go. He slowly walked in and immediately went off to find his seat. I finished hanging up his things and gave a thankful smile at his teacher.

"He's a shy one. His teacher last year made it hard on him because she was always yelling at him to participate." I explained as I watched Jin frown

"That's awful. I prefer slowly easing the children into interacting with each other rather then throwing them into it." Jin explained, looking to check on Yoongi.

I smiled as I saw him organizing his things on his desk and on the table.

"He's the neatest one out of my kids. Well, the older two anyway. He's my oldest at 6, and my other two boys are Hoseok, he's 4 and my youngest Jungkook who's only just turned 1 are like little tornados." I joked, watching as Yoongi frustratedly rearranged his things again.

Jin chuckled and smiled, "I have two year old twin boys, Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin is really shy and clingy, but he's the most obediant out of my two. Taehyung is my wild child and comes up with some off the wall things for someone his age." He detailed, his pride showing in his eyes.

"Well, they sound like lovely boys." I said, grinning at him. I looked at my watch and gasped, "Shi-Crap! I'm gonna be late. Yoongi! Come give me a hug!" I exclaimed.

Yoongi ran over and hugged me. I kissed him goodbye and he grabbed my hand.

"Appa, don't forget your promise!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"If I do, you can yell at me okay?" I joked, ruffling his hair and he ran off.

"Don't worry, he's in good hands." Jin assured me.

I nodded, muttered a quick thank you, and ran off down the hall to go to my car.

I'm sure he was in very very good hands.

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