Ch. 10

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It's been two days now since Namjoon and I were official and the twins have been constantly asking for their appa. We aren't living together so they are always asking about him. We made a deal to go see each other every weekend and to go to the park right after school to hang out.

Namjoon and I are always texting, I feel like a teenager again. He hasn't held my hand yet or anything like that, but I really wish he would. He's been so amazing so far, texting me every morning and night, he's always texting me whenever he can through the day to check on me. It made me love him even more.

I was sitting at the kitchen table grading some tests and talking to Namjoon on the phone. It was 9 at night meaning all of children were in bed asleep. I had to keep my voice down because Namjoon was making me laugh really hard at some stupid stories from when he was a teenager.

"Wait wait, you actually fell off a roof and into a dumpster?" I asked, trying my best not to laugh too loudly.

"It was a dare to see who could jump from one roof to the next, but I tripped and fell off. Luckily no one broke anything or was badly injured." He explained.

"Of course you tripped. No wonder Yoongi calls you destruction man." I told him, laughing lightly.

"That twit." I heard him say, and I could already see the smile on his face.

Him and Yoongi had a very close bond. They would always be teasing each other and Yoongi stuck close to his appa. It was sweet to watch them interact because you could just tell how much they loved being together. I hope that Jimin and Taehyung will want to be like that with Joon too when they get older.

Listen to me already thinking that far ahead. I don't even know what the future will hold and I'm already talking like we've been dating forever. I hope we're together forever because now I can't see my life without him.

"Daddy?" A tiny voice called from the kitchen doorway. I looked at the time now and it was 11:30 pm.

"Minnie? Honey, what're you doing awake?" I asked, picking him up and craddling him in my lap.

He sniffled, "Bad dweam appa went bye bye."

I cooed and held him closer, "Aw my sweet minnie, appa isn't going anywhere."

"Heya Chim!" Namjoon said from the phone. I put it on speaker.

"Appa?" Jimin asked, his tears going away.

"Yeah buddy it's me. Now what's this nonsense I hear that I'm leaving?"

"Bad dweam."

"Oh no! Do I need to come over there and beat up dreamland?"

Jimin giggled, "No appa! Siwy appa!"

I smiled, "Please assure Jimin you're not leaving?"

"I promise that I won't leave you Chim. You're stuck with me and my silliness." Namjoon assured the two year old. It warmed my heart.

Jimin nodded, "Okay appa! Night night!" The two year old climbed off my lap and went back to bed.

I chuckled, "I'm so happy my boys love you."


It was now Wednesday and I was at home making the twins a snack. The school was off today due to the heat and there being no AC. The twins were happy to have me home today and were both currently sitting in the living room happily watching Paw Patrol. It was only October the 4th and man was it hot outside. Isn't October supposed to be when it was cooling down?

Namjoon and I have started having sleepovers for the boys during the week. One night Taehyung goes over there and Yoongi comes here, and another night Jimin goes over there and Hoseok comes over here. The boys seemed to really enjoy it as it gave them the quality time with other children they needed.

I wish Namjoon and I had a sleep over just the two of us. We've started holding hands but I wish we could cuddle. I'm craving the feeling of his arms around me. I occasionally will see him cuddling the boys all together on one of our couches, or see him spontaneously pick one up just to hug them. Jimin loves it because Jimin is the definition of cuddle monster.

Jungkook is starting to crawl so you could probably imagine what that's like for Joon. The boy is constantly on the move and it's funny watching the boys try to catch him. Kookie is always really clingy to me whenever I'm around him. Namjoon finds it cute and not that I mind, but the boy is a drool dispenser.

Taehyung and Jimin absolutely love Jungkook. They're always incorporating him into their games and loving on him. They're always playing with him and rolling around on the floor with him. Joon has sent me multiple videos of either Taehyung or Jimin cuddled up to Jungkook on the couch during nap time. It's a sweet thing to see.

The reason why we've started having sleepovers for the boys was so Joon and I could both bond with them, and so the boys can bond more with each other. Namjoon was the one who came up with it after that night Jimin was scared he was going to leave him. I was hesitant about it because I've never had the boys stay overnight anywhere, but after seeing their faces light up at the idea I couldn't resist. Plus, it gave them time to learn how to function without the other with other childern.

"Daddy? Joonie come here?" Taehyung asked when I brought them their lunch.

I sat down the two plates on the table and helped them get comfortable, "I don't know, Taetae. Joonie may be busy today. Just eat your lunch okay? If you both eat it all gone you can have one piece of candy."

The boys immediately got to work eating their lunch. I chuckled and went back into the kitchen to call Namjoon. I started cleaning up when he answered the phone.

"Hey Jin!" Namjoon greeted clearly out of breath.

"Hey Joonie. What're you doing?" I asked, clearing off the counter.

"Oh nothing, just- No! Hoseok you put your shirt back on right now! She's gonna here and you can't look like you just got out of bed!"

"Um....who's gonna be there?"

Namjoon took a deep breath, "Their mother. She just now wants to see them after not seeing them for a year and I can't have them looking like disasters."

"Joon? Just breathe. You're stressed and I get it, but just breathe."

I heard him take a couple deep breaths before he spoke again, "Thank you, I needed that."

"Would you like me and the twins to come over? I could help with-"


"I'll be there in 10?"


"I'll try to make it 5."

"HOSEOK PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON!........send help."

I can't wait to see this.

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