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This is the last chapter of this book. Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying this story. I had a lot of fun writing it and all of the reads and votes mean a lot to me. Your comments crack me up and I appreciate all of the feedback.

I also want to say that with all of the riots and protesting happening, please every one stay safe. Rioting is not going to bring innocent lives back, burning down businesses won't bring anyone back, and attacking eachother won't bring anyone back. If you are going to participate in protesting, please do it responsibly and safely. Black Lives Matter 24/7. We need re-education and re-training of officers. Please never lose hope that things will get better.

I also have my Yoonmin fanfiction up! It's titled Bad Boy With a Soft Spot and if you read my last author's note you could probably guess what it's going to be about. Stay healthy, stay happy, and as always love yourself 💜

~10 years later~

Namjoon POV



"Boys behave or you're both grounded!"

I sighed and shook my head. Jin was out on a vacation with his mother, leaving me at home with the boys. Usually they're little angels but the twins are starting to go through puberty. Not fun times in the Kim household. Hoseok and Yoongi are turning into moody teenagers, well Yoongi a lot more than Hobi.

Yoongi is in his junior year of high school, Hobi is going into his freshman year, the twins are starting the 7th grade and Jungkook is going into 5th grade. Jin has become Superintendent at his school and I've become the boss at my job. Life is pretty good.

"Appa! Jimin hyung won't share his video games!" Jungkook whined, sulking into my office.

I sighed, "Jimin, why aren't you sharing?"

Jimin pouted, "Jungkook won't play fair!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Do you want me to take the games away?" They both shook their heads no. "Then learn to play nice or don't play together at all."

They sulked out of the room and I shook my head. Jungkook and Jimin are the whiniest two of my kids. Jungkook tattles all the time and Jimin complains about how unfair he is. Jin usually handles them when it happens which isn't as often anymore like it use to be.

Yoongi came stomping into the room with Holly in his arms and Taehyung following him. Yes, Holly is one of three of our family pets. One is Mickey, that's Hoseok's baby, the other is Yeontan which is Jimin and Taehyung's puppy, and then there's Holly who is Yoongi's pride and joy. Jungkook hasn't asked for a dog but I think he's content with the three we have. All three of them just love him.

"Appa, tell Taehyung to stop trying to feed Holly! He already had his treats today." Yoongi begged.

"Taehyung, we talked about this." I warned.

He sighed, "I know, appa! But Holly deserves the treats!"

"If Yoongi says no then it's no, it's his dog." I sternly reminded.

He hung his head, "Yes, appa."

"And Yoongi, be patient with your little brother. You know how he is."

He sighed, "I'll try, appa."

The two left the room and I shook my head. Yoongi and Hoseok were my most patient children but when it reaches it's limit their tempers get wild. One time when he was 11, Yoongi actually locked Jimin outside because he took his tablet. Then when Hoseok was 9 he smashed chocolate pudding in Yoongi's face for accidentally knocking over his juice. Fun times.

Taehyung is definitely the silent trouble maker. He's only 13 and I thought he would have grown out of it, but his pranks are not fun. He started to prank people when he was 6, it was cute then but now that he's older it isn't so cute anymore. Come to think of it, the worst prank he's pulled so far was when he was 10 and he swapped out the coffee for dirt and the sugar for salt because I pissed him off by taking his video games away. Needless to say he was grounded from his games for a pretty long time.

Jungkook just does his own thing and often ropes Taehyung into his antics. He's only 11, but he comes up with some extremely off the wall things. When he was 6 I had to keep all of the shaving cream in a very high place so he couldn't get them. The reason being is that he kept emptying out the cool whip containers and filling them with shaving cream every time we bought cool whip. Needless to say we weren't very impressed.

Jimin doesn't really cause much trouble but he does whine sometimes when he doesn't get his way. He also has a very bad temper but he's doing better. We decided to put him in therapy when he was 7 because he punched our neighbor's son in the face for kicking over his sandcastle in their sandbox. I found it funny, however Jin was not impressed. He stopped going when he turned 11 and has been totally fine ever since.

"Appa!!!!!!!!!!! Tell Hoseok hyungie to play with me!" Taehyung called from the living room.

I groaned, "No means no, boys!"

Jin can effortlessly handle the boys all together at once. Don't get me wrong, they aren't rowdy or anything, they just bicker a lot. It's not arguing it's more of the sibling arguments over the dumb stuff. Boys will be boys and if they didn't bicker I would be worried. I hate a lot of noise so Jin is usually the one who takes care of them. Since that isn't fair at all, as often as I can, which is usually once every two weeks, I take care of them and he relaxes. Truly, I have no idea how he does it.

"Boys? I'm home!" A honey voice called from downstairs.

My heart fluttered just hearing his voice. Jin and I have been married for ten years and yet he still gives me butterflies. I can't think about him without getting a goofy smile on my face. Every day I just seem to fall more in love with him and every day gets harder and harder to be away from him. I just can never wait to come home and kiss those gorgeous lips of his.

"Hi dad! Guess what? I beat COD today!" I heard Jungkook cheer.

I could see the smile on Jin's face, "Did you boys finish all of your homework?"

A chorus of yes's could be heard and feet scattered about. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and the door creak open. I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders and a face snuggle into my neck.

"Hi baby.." I cooed, kissing his cheek.

He smiled, "Hi. How was your weekend?"

I chuckled, "Not too bad. How was your vacation?"

He spun me around and sat in my lap, "Relaxing but I missed you guys."

I smiled, "We missed you too."

Our lips connected in a sweet kiss, which turned into a heavy makeout session but didn't last for long as we were so kindly interrupted.

"Geez seriously!? It's bad enough you guys are all mushy and gross with each other when you talk." Hoseok whined, shielding his eyes in our doorway.

"Be happy you didn't walk in on them having sex." Yoongi commented, walking by our room.

"Hyung what's sex?" Jungkook asked, following after him.

"It's how babies are made!" Jimin piped up.

"But dad doesn't have a vagina." Taehyung added.

"Dad birthed Jungkook out of his ass." Yoongi sarcastically replied.


This....This is my life. But, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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