Ch. 18

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How is everyone doing? I know this coronavirus thing is really hard. Just remember, it's a rough patch and not a rough life. Stay at home, wash your hands, social distance yourself, and remember to love yourself. Stay active, even if it's a small workout for 10 minutes a day, remember to eat and hydrate yourselves. Stay positive, keep loving yourself, and remember to breathe. We'll get through this together 💜


I woke up with a body trapping me underneath it. I looked down and saw Namjoon laying on top of me with his face buried in my neck. His hair was sticking up everywhere and his arms were wrapped securely around me. He looked a lot younger when he slept and a lot more peaceful. I gently ran my fingers through his hand and rubbed his back. He nuzzled his face into my neck and stayed asleep. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

The sex last night was absolutely mind blowing, but it usually is. We've only done it a few times but each time is better than the last. The aftercare is the best part of it all. We take a shower and he gently washes my hair and body, soothing the places he touched. I would do the same and we'd just hold eachother underneath the water. It was really relaxing and then when we went to bed, he would pull me close and we'd whisper sweet little things to each other. I was usually the first one asleep and I would feel a hand gently scratching my head and lips kiss around my face. I lived for that moment.

It was a Friday morning and it was 6:25. I turned off the alarm set and started trying to wake Namjoon up. The guy slept like a rock and was nearly impossible to wake up. Jungkook had a doctor's appointment at 8 for a check up and I knew if I didn't wake his appa up now, they would definitely miss that appointment.

"Joonie...Joonie honey, it's time to wake up." I whispered, gently shaking him.

He groaned and clung to me tighter, "Five more minutes." He grumbled, burying his face further into my neck.

I chuckled, "It's 6:30 and Jungkook has an appointment at 8. You promised Taehyung pancakes for breakfast, so you have to get up." I gently said, prying myself from his grasp.

"Come back! It's cold without you!" He whined, grabbing for my waist.

"Namjoon!" I laughed, grinning at his whining. As adorable as it was, I knew if I got back in bed I wouldn't get up again.

He pouted, "You're so mean." He got up and went to the bathroom.

I went to Yoongi's room and woke him up. He protested a little bit but still got up anyway. I went to Hoseok and Jimin's room and got them up. I went to Jungkook and Taehyung's room to find them quietly building some blocks. I leaned against the doorway.

"What're you boys doing already up?" I asked, going to get their clothes for the day.

"I wanna pway with Kookie before doctors!" Taehyung stated, helping Jungkook build a tower.

I chuckled, "He'll be here when you come home. Let's get you dressed and then appa is going to make you pancakes."

Taehyung cheered and quickly got dressed. I changed Jungkook and got him dressed. He ran off to find Taehyung and I went to make sure the boys were getting dressed. I heard a yell from the bathroom and a frazzled Namjoon run out of our room.

"Yoongi? Yoongi are you alright!?" Namjoon yelled, running into the bathroom.

"Appa! Appa look! My tooth! My tooth came out! I was brushing my teeth and it fell out!" Yoongi exclaimed, holding it in his tiny hand.

Namjoon's worried look quickly turned into a proud look, "My boy is growing up! You just lost your first tooth!"

Yoongi smiled at the praise with one tooth now missing. He looked absolutely adorable with one of his teeth missing. Namjoon looked really proud as he took the tooth from him.

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