Ch. 26

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4K? Hey that's pretty cool! Thank you so much 🥺

also if any y'all like minjoon, i do have a minjoon fanfiction as well 👀


"Daddy! Daddy!" A child voice rang through the house.

I chuckled on my bed, "In here, Hobi!"

Namjoon decided to take Jungkook, Yoongi, and Taehyung out to his eomma's house for lunch. They were being very noisy and Hoseok and Jimin were taking a nap. I decided since they didn't go that I would introduce Hoseok to my parents today once Jimin was up and moving. She already met Yoongi and thinks he's absolutely adorable.

She met him yesterday and today was Sunday. He loved his piano lesson and wanted to do it again. My eomma thinks he was very smart and a very good listener. Yoongi really liked her too and thought her lessons were really cool. He said she was super nice and made him food. That was a relief.

"Daddy, Jiminie is awake, too! Where's appa?" He asked, climbing onto the bed.

"He took Jungkook, Yoongi, and Taehyung to Nana's house. Since he did that, I thought I would let you meet your new grandparents. Doesn't that sound fun?" I explained, combing his hair with my fingers.

Jimin came in, "We seeing grandma and grandpa!?"

I nodded, "Go brush your hair and put shoes on, boys."

Jimin scurried off and Hobi just stayed on the bed, "D-Do I have to?"

I looked at him and grinned, "If you do, you can pick the dessert tonight."

His eyes lit up, "Rice cakes!!"

I smiled and ushered him off. That boy and his rice cakes. I swear, if all he could eat was rice cakes he'd be a big boy. I don't mind his love for rice cakes, I too very much enjoy them and so does Jiminie.

Hoseok reminds me a lot of the hyper side of Namjoon. Like Namjoon is usually a very calm and collected person, but then he switches to acting like a child. One minute he's serious and then the next he's sitting at the table making play doh creations. Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hoseok are seriously the three different sides of Namjoon. Yoongi is the calm and collected side, Hoseok is the hyper and childlike side, and Jungkook is the tempermental and daredevil side. It's like seeing all Namjoon's personalities in three little humans.

Hoseok is that child that's so hard to be mad at. He's just always so happy and it's hard to be sad around him. He's so cheerful and always makes sure to include every body in whatever he's doing. He has a lot of friends at school and his teacher just adores him. I don't blame her though, Hoseok is everyone's favorite.

The two boys had gotten their shoes on and were anxiously waiting by the door. I slipped my shoes on and helped them with their coats. I put mine on and we headed out the door. On the way there, Hoseok was more quiet than usual and I think he was just nervous. Can you blame him? He's meeting someone for the first time.

We eventually pulled up to my parents house and I helped them out. I grabbed their hands and helped them up to the door. I knocked and my father answered the door.

"Seokjin! What a pleasant surprise! Come in, come in." He greeted, pulling us inside.

"Grandpa!" Jimin cheered, latching onto his leg.

My father smiled, "Hiya Jimin! How's my little mochi?"

Jimin giggled, "Good grandpa! Lookie! This is Hoseokie hyungie!"

Hoseok hid behind my leg as my father crouched down to his height. I put my hand in his hair and stroked it gently.

"Is that my other grandson?" My father asked.

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