28. falling

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Arthur sits by the window, his jaw tense as always. The betrayal he has suffered by his own family angers him, and now they have the cheek to keep him here to "help him adjust". Pfft. Control, as usual.

Edward leans in the doorway. "We aren't keeping you here..."he says gently.

"You've pretty much not given me any choice, have you? What else would you call it then dear dad?" He snaps, not looking over.

Edward sits on the bed behind him. "You know you can't go to her; your kill her. You aren't ready-"

"I wouldn't kill her if you'd changed her when you changed me!" Arthur burst, looking at his father, suddenly stood right in front of him. "You took her away from me! You used her grief as a way of getting what you all wanted!!!"

Edward looks into his sons maroon eyes; the diet he's been on since his change six months ago is finally showing its signs, his newborn eyes slowly changing. "Lucy begged for this. She knew what it meant, she knew how you'd feel. But what she did was selfless. She sacrificed her own happiness so you could live. I wasn't going to refuse that. And yes, maybe that's selfish for me but you're my son. I'd do anything to keep you alive. It wasn't easy for me to bite you, I wish I didn't have to. But you deteriorated so fast..." Edward clenched his jaw tightly at the memory.

He takes a breath before he replies. "Keep up this act as long as you want. But I won't apologise." He then gets up and leaves, his son still glaring.

Arthur yells in frustration and darts out of the window, Emmett already waiting to stop him. "Don't! I'm going to hunt and I'm going alone don't make me snap your neck!"

"You can try-"

Arthur shoves him roughly and runs, faster than them all still. He's so mad. Why don't they understand? Rose changed Em without consent, took him from his life. Carlisle changed Edward and Esme without their consent. They helped Bella despite everything she caused.

Lucy wouldn't hurt anyone. She doesn't deserve to suffer she doesn't deserve to be hurting. She needs him. He needs her. A soul mate without their other half is useless - he doesn't want to exist without her.

Edward understands, of course he does. He wanted to die when he thought Bella was dead. But he can't change anything. Arthur is still a newborn, he is still a danger to humans; though he has done so well, he isn't ready. It'll be years before he should go near humans alone. But at least he's alive.

Jacob stuck to his word. He talks to the elders everyday, arguing with them, trying to get them to see. Arthur isn't as bad as he first was, he's a good lad. And if this was him in Arthur's shoes, he'd do anything to have Ness beside him - he can't imagine being without her. Arthur must be in so much pain.

He is.

Beyond words.

But there isn't anything he can do.

She's deleted all social media. Her number is disconnected. And because the wolves are always near keeping an eye on him, Alice's visions are unreliable and few and far between. He has no idea where she is, how she is, even she's even still alive...

He screams loudly at that thought, the trees around him shaking and birds scattering in fright. Near by animals scatter, Arthur launching himself onto a couple of deep, feeding on one as the other few lay stunned. He finishes off, throwing the corpses around to scatter them. Humans won't necessarily come this far out but just in case. His family taught him to be cautious.

He sits down and sighs, leaning his head back on the tree behind him as he closes his eyes. He takes slow breaths as he thinks of her. It's all he does most days, maybe a hunt here and there, but most of it is spent thinking of her. He sometimes imagines her doing things he'd hate. All he can see is her drinking, and he hates that.

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