29. wake up

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"What if I did it wrong..." Arthur whispers, stroking hair from Lucy's cheek.

Edward pats his shoulder. "You didn't. You stopped yourself - you have more restraint than I've ever seen. I'm proud of you. Carlisle got morphine in her just in time, she won't be in so much pain. You just have to wait."

Arthur rubs his face and tugs his hair. "It's been 4 days... That's too long."

"Everyone is different. Stop." He says.

Arthur walks away from the bed and to the window, leaning on it. He hears the TV downstairs. 'A couple have made a desperate call for any information on their daughter Lucy Cullen, a 25 year old female who went missing Thursday night after a fight with her boyfriend...'

Arthur scoffs and shakes his head. "Stupid. Boyfriend - please. I saw what he said to her."

Edward smiles small and leans opposite his son. "Saw it... I still can't get my head around that. Of all the gifts, you get one most like Alice and none of us realised."

"Is she jealous? Please tell me she is." Arthur smirks just a little.

Edward grins. "Oh very much. Yours seem to work around the wolves."

"But I only see what's happening now, or in mere minutes. Not days or weeks like her."

"All gifts can be developed. We'll see how it goes." Edward says. "Now, you need to-"

"Hunt? I think after biting my wife, tasting human blood for the first time and not ripping her apart for more proves I intact have more self control than you think." Arthur says.

Edward chuckles. "Hmm... Family trait. Fine, you can just go when she wakes soon."


"Such a pessimist." Edward pats his arm and goes, giving his son some alone time.

Carlisle and Esme turn the TV off as he comes in. "Who's turn is it to watch-"

"No one's. I told you, he's fine."

"Edward, he's a newborn - she still has blood-"

"Esme, in the kindest way possible - shut your trap. My son. MY SON. is fine with his wife. Okay?" Edward says.

Esme frowns gently and sits down again, Carlisle shaking his head. "How many times are we going to have this argument? We all have a right to claim Arthur as our own."

"No one has a right to claim me." Arthur snaps as he stands behind them all making them spin around. He keeps his clenched fists in his pockets. "Last I check I'm 25 years of age, I think I can make my own decisions, no? Newborn or not - butt out."

"Oh, and don't try the 'we care'." Renesmee teases as she comes in. "He might actually snap."

Edward, Ness and Arthur laugh as Esme and Carlisle seem not too pleased. They leave, the other three sitting on the couch together. Edward puts both arms around them, one around Ness, the other around Arthur. "I don't think I've ever sat like this with you both."

"Well don't get too comfy, I just needed a moment." Arthur laughs small.

Renesmee wraps her arms around Edward, half hugging her brother at the same time. "I like this. I like that we can all get along now... And soon Lucy will join us and we'll be an even bigger family."

"Maybe." Arthur says.

Ness punches him. "Stop being a pessimist! That's dad's job, what's he got if you take it!?"

Arthur laughs as Edward does too. "Should I be offended?"

"No, pops." Arthur pats his arm. "Being like you isn't too bad."

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