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jisung stares nervously at the huge campus, wondering how on earth he was going to get around without getting lost in the process.

the wind whips through the air, and jisung closes his eyes, soaking up the moment. he was excited, no doubt, but he couldn't shrug away the tinge of nervousness he had too.

new school, new teachers, new friends, new drama.

biting his lip and tugging at the sleeves of his backpack, jisung wished that felix would hurry up. wary of the time, he definitely didn't want to be late for his first day of college.

finally, after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, felix finally emerged from the dormitory building, along with a bubbly and lively jeongin.

jisung wished that his dorm mate could be here too, but by the time he had woken up, seungmin had already left.

"i waited for you for over ten minutes lix!" jisung huffed before adding in a small voice, "i wanted to buy some coffee before going to school."

"i'm sorry, i overslept."

of course he did.

jisung pulls an unimpressed face as felix scratches his neck sheepishly, "we'll go after school, okay?"

"fine," jisung huffed once again, and the three set out for their first day together.


the bell rang, signalling the start of the first period. biting his lower lip nervously, jisung made his way to his first class, which was calculus.

taking a seat next to a black-haired boy, jisung placed his bag onto the floor and took out his pencil case before starting to crack his fingers. a bad habit he did when he was nervous.

the black-haired boy turned to look at him, and the first thing that caught jisung's attention was his friendly smile and eye mole.

"hey there, i'm yugyeom," the boy, now known as yugyeom, asked jisung with an alluring smile, "you seem shaky. first day, huh?"

"yeah," jisung shifts around to face him, "aren't you new too?"

"nope, i'm a year two student who's bad at calculus," yugyeom said with a laugh as he leaned back into his chair, stretching his arms behind him, "i'm just taking year one calculus. lots of seniors take year one classes in subjects they're bad at. you'll find lots of different seniors in lots of different year one classes."

"ooooh, that's interesting," jisung said brightly before he mumbled, "i might have to take year one physics next year though. i'm really bad at it."

"nah, i'm sure you'll be fine. professor lee is a great physics teacher, everyone passes her classes," yugyeom said knowingly.

"you know a lot. mind informing me a little about the school?" jisung asked, curiosity shining in his eyes, subconsciously leaning forward in his seat.

"sure, what'd you like to know?" yugyeom said, seemingly amused by jisung.

"mmm, the students here," jisung decided.

"alright. i'll tell you about the popular kids. the ones you should be aware of. i'll tell you all the juicy details," yugyeom said in a slight teasing manner, leaning into jisung as if he wanted to tell him a secret.

"there's three of them. hwang hyunjin, lee minho and seo changbin. we all call them the power three," yugyeom paused for a second before continuing, "honestly, it's kind of a lame name, but it stuck and no one bothers to change it."

"seo changbin is the shortest, always wears black. he's also really silent, but also kinda scary. he's kind of the cool, chill one in the power three.

"then there's lee minho, the dancer. he's really good looking, and he can also be scary at times. he's in the dance club, and has won many competitions. but you might not want to get too close to him, or his girlfriend, jiwon, might bite your head off."

"and finally, hwang hyunjin. the 'devil' himself. well, the devil in an angel's disguise. the school's heartthrob, and is everyone's crush. he's the bad boy, the rich one, and the player. he's probably broke every girl's heart in this school already, but they all still love him."

"it's no wonder though, with those good looks and that eye smile. he's like a snake. so poisonous yet so charming, so sly, getting everything he wants. he's never stayed with the same girl for more than two weeks, i'm sure of that, and i know that all the girls would probably give up their right arm to be with him again."

"so the moral of this is, one; hyunjin is your ordinary cliché fan fiction bad boy that you don't want to mess with."

"and two; don't go near hyunjin if you don't want your heart broken. i heard that he plays boys too. you should be careful," yugyeom warned as jisung nodded in awe, absorbing all the information his new friend had just told him.

"the whole school knows about the power three. all the seniors and even the teachers know about them. they are year twos by the way, so you might see one of them in your class," yugyeom said and jisung's eyes widened at this.

wow. it must be pretty bad to be feared by both seniors and adults alike.

just then, a loud voice interrupted jisung's thoughts. when jisung looked up, he saw a cheerful young man, with blonde curls and the warmest smile ever, with dimples on both sides of his cheeks, "good day, class!"

a chorus of 'good mornings' followed as the man set down his briefcase onto the desk and turned to face the class with a bright smile on his face, "I would like to warmly welcome all of the new students we have today, which is probably about ninety percent of this class. so, welcome to my calculus class, my name's bang chan, but you may call me professor chan."

jisung smiled as he picked up his pen, and for once in his life, ready to learn. he already had a great new friend, and what's seemed to be a great new professor.

a content feeling settles into his stomach.

his first day was off to a good start.

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