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"so you really think hwang hyunjin is interested in seungmin?"

"yeah, he was flirting with him and all during chemistry. seungmin told me himself."

"well, he's probably going to get played with if this hyunjin dude is really what the rumours say."

"that's why i told him to stay away from hyunjin."

as jisung did his final touches of his eye makeup, felix was behind him, sitting on his bed as he tried to adjust the choker jisung had made him wear while they chatted about the seungmin and hyunjin fiasco.

"dude," felix complained, pulling at his choker, "this thing is killing me. why do you want me to wear it in the first place?"

"because," jisung twirled around, felix stealing a glance of his perfectly done makeup, "chokers look good on you lix. don't you want to attract some people at the party?"

quickly turning red, felix threw his plushie at jisung, hitting him squarely on the head, "don't say it like that! it sounds... weird."

"okay okay," jisung chuckled, checking himself one last time in the mirror, "is jeongin coming?"

"nah. he said he didn't want to," felix said, grabbing his keys and his wallet, shoving it into the back pocket of his jeans, "let's go now."


the moment the two boys stepped into the house, jisung could already feel the excitement in the air. neon lights were flashing all around him, and it seemed like there were hundreds of people all crammed into this house; all the wild energy in the air made jisung even more hype than he already was.

there was music blasting loudly all around the house, and almost everyone was dancing to the beat, some swaying around with their drinks in their hand while some did impressive choreography, probably trying to catch some people's attention.

"meet at the front gate by midnight?" jisung yelled over the music for felix to hear.

when felix gave him a thumbs up, jisung responded with a pat on the back before separating, making a beeline over to the kitchen.

but for tonight, it was a bar. different drinks of all kinds overflowed the table, red plastic cups scattered around the table.

he grabbed a cup and filled it with the drink that was closest to him, not bothering to check the alcohol he was going to consume. it didn't really matter anyways; he had done quite a bit of drinking before. he wasn't a stranger to this. jisung had high alcohol tolerance.

or that was what he thought.

gulping down the liquid, he winced as the bitter sweet drink slid down his throat, stinging it a little. it was painful, but it was a good kind of pain.

taking a few more shots, jisung felt himself get giddy and his felt the room slowly get smaller and much warmer. eventually, he had to take a seat on the couch near the kitchen to stop himself from falling down.

as he collapsed onto the couch, he heard a loud yelp next to him.

"hey! watch where you're sitting!"

"huh?" jisung hiccuped, his blurry vision focusing on the person he had accidentally sat on. however, his 'focused' vision wasn't really that focused, as jisung could only see the faint outline of the boy next to him.

"hey, you shouldn't drink too much of that," the boy said, a sudden worried expression crossed his face, "it's really strong. be careful with that stuff."

"nothing i can't handle," jisung said with a little smirk crossing his legs somewhat elegantly, "so, what's your name?"

"i'm minho. you might've heard of me before," the boy, now known as minho, said, looking down at the floor with an embarrassed smile.

"minho? nah, i've never heard of someone with that name," jisung drawled, his brain not really functioning at the moment, his mouth with a mind of its own, "so, what's a pretty boy like you doing here alone?"

"alone? oh no," minho chuckled lightly, "i'm here with my girlfriend. she's gone somewhere with her friends to play some beer pong, i think. so i'm alone for now."

"oh," jisung said, feigning a little disappointment, making sure to let it show.

and then, without thinking twice, going against all the red flashing signs in his head, too hazy to think, he crashed his lips onto the poor unsuspecting boy, his hands suddenly finding themselves wrapped around minho's neck.

but even though he was as drunk as hell, he still felt surprised when he felt the boy kissing back instead of pulling away, placing his hand on jisung's thigh.

however, the blissful moment was ruined when, out of the blue, he felt someone pull his hair back roughly, and jisung was pulled out unwillingly from the kiss, his lips still chasing after minho's.

"excuse me? who do you think you are?" an angry feminine voice sounded from behind him, as jisung turned to look at who had grabbed his hair, too drunk to process the amount of pain he was currently in.

it was a pretty petite girl, with her hands on her hips and shooting him an icy glare, and jisung's stomach dropped, realising that the girl was probably minho's girlfriend.

she tossed her long brown wavy hair, frowning angrily, obvious rage shown on her face, "stick to what's yours, you little piece of shit-".

"jiwon! that's enough," minho stood up hastily, taking her by the shoulders and leading her away. 

as they were walking away, jisung didn't know if it was the alcohol, or if his eyes were playing tricks on him, or maybe it was just his imagination, but through his blurry vision, he could have sworn that he had seen minho flash him a wink before disappearing from his sight.

so jisung sat there for the rest of the night, a faint smile on his lips, his heart pounding in his chest, the feeling of minho's lips still lingering on his own.

jisung was definitely in love.


felix stared at the ground silently, kicking at the dirt under his feet. he had decided to leave the house, feeling like all the flashing lights, loud music and the smell of alcohol was a little too much for him.

partying had always been jisung's thing, but felix wanted to prove to himself that he had changed since high school; that he could handle all the chaos, but it seemed like he still couldn't.

so he sat patiently on the doorstep, staring off into the night sky, hoping that jisung would hurry up and leave already.

"hey sweets, you okay?"

felix heard a voice behind him say, as he turned to look. he was greeted by the sight of a tall and strikingly handsome male, a gorgeous smile on his face.

'ah, one of the power three members' felix thought to himself, remembering his, jisung and jeongin's conversation a week ago at the café.

"oh yeah i'm fine, just waiting for my friend so we can leave," felix hummed in reply, shifting his gaze from the boy and back to the night sky.

as handsome as the other boy was, felix couldn't help but draw his attention back to the glittering stars dancing in the dark.

"well then, maybe i could take you home," the boy said with a slight wink, sliding down to sit next to a confused felix.

"what? oh no, you don't have to. i'm fine on my own. go back and enjoy the party," felix nudged the boy slightly with his arm, a shy smile appearing on his own face, "thank you though."

"alright then," the boy stood up, seeing as it was a hopeless case and the australian was definitely not interested in him, "have a good night then."

"you too," felix nodded, as he watched the boy slip back into the house, but not before flashing him a charming smile as he did so.

now, one thing was clear to felix.

seungmin should definitely stay away from hyunjin for his own good.


a/n: we love us some drama 😌 also, should i make jiwon a good or bad character?

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