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the air was thick. suffocating.

seungmin watched hyunjin do his work silently, neither of them making any eye contact.

it was incredibly awkward, since their last tutor session.

"let me see," seungmin mumbles softly after a few minutes, approaching the other who reluctantly handed him his book.

he flips through the pages and let out a small hum of approval, "good. these are correct. you did well."

"thank you," hyunjin smiles happily, brushing his hair out of his eyes, and seungmin could have sworn he had seen them sparkle with glee.

"so..." seungmin breathes out, leaning back into his chair, "do you still want to continue these lessons? i mean, you're pretty good already..."

"shame," hyunjin muses, staring into seungmin's eyes making him a tad bit uncomfortable, "i like spending time with you."

"well i mean," seungmin coughed, "we can uh... spend time together even without these lessons too..."

"really?" hyunjin's eyes light up once again, "but you always reject me!"

"i guess i could give you a shot," seungmin says shyly, feeling his cheeks burn up as one thought constantly ran in his mind.

what am i even saying?'

"cool!" hyunjin beams, leaning towards seungmin with eager eyes, "let's go out this friday night, you free?"

"uh," seungmin blinked blankly at the sudden question before he stuttered out an answer, "s-sure."

"sweet," hyunjin whistled, "i'll pick you up at seven, okay?"

"alright," the shorter agreed, fiddling with his fingers before hurriedly adding, "what are we gonna do?"

"you'll see."


"professor channie!"

chan looks up to see a bubbly and cheerful jeongin bounding over to where he was standing.

over the last few weeks since their encounter, they had started to chat whenever they bumped into each other. in fact, they even walked back from school together.

"good morning jeongin," chan smiles at the hyper younger, "what's you're first period?"

"history with professor suho," jeongin's happy dementor faded, a small sulk replaced on his face, "i don't really like it honestly."

"that's not very nice," chan says teasingly, patting the younger's soft brown hair, "anyways, do you want to walk to school together?"

"believe me, i'd like to walk to school with you, but i'm already walking over with felix, seungmin and jisung. maybe another time. they're over there waiting for me."

jeongin points further off where three students were standing, all focused on their phones as they stood under a large tree.

"oh you better go then," chan gives jeongin a light push, "i'll see you after school."

"mkay," jeongin smiles widely, his braces shining ever so brightly in the sunlight, "bye hyungie!"

and with that, he raced off towards his friends, his backpack bouncing along as he ran, and chan smiled at the cute action, shaking his head fondly,

"cute kid."


changbin stares at the australian opposite him, who was busy eating his carrot cake, eyes focused on his phone.

"did you mean it?" changbin says suddenly, making felix snap his eyes up to meet his own.

"what?" felix questions, frowning a little.

"what you said at the party. i can't stop thinking about it," changbin admits, poking his fork at his own untouched cake. he had lost his appetite.

"what did i say?" felix gulps, hoping it wouldn't be too dumb as he tries to wreck his brain for any source of memory of the party that night. but nothing comes up.

"you uh," changbin drops his fork and rubs his neck, "how do i say this? you... kind of confessed to me."

felix froze, slowly putting down his bite of cake as he looked at changbin nervously, "is this... is this why you took me out for cake?"

"well you always say yes to food!" changbin says defensively, "plus, i need an answer! i've been thinking about it every night."

"to be honest i don't remember," felix muttered before locking eyes with changbin, who looked a tad bit disappointed.

"but you should know something," felix adds softly, "when i'm drunk, i say whatever's on my heart. so if i said i liked you then... i do."

now it was changbin's turn to freeze, his disappointment wiped off his face, quickly replaced with shock.

"you're serious?" a slow smile spreads across changbin's face, "are you?"

"yeah," felix smiles back, biting the insides of his cheek, "you know the saying, drunk words are sober thoughts."

"then..." changbin takes felix's tiny hand in his hands, giving it a gentle squeeze, "go out with me?"

"yes i will," felix giggles, the butterflies inside his stomach fluttering wildly.


"have you heard?" jisung rolls on his bed, flipping from his stomach and onto his back, talking into his phone, "changbin asked felix out."

there was a silence in the other end before minho spoke up, clearly stunned, "what? he never told me!"

"damn," jisung giggles, sucking the tip of his thumb from boredom, "that sucks."

"i'll beat him up later," minho said decidedly, "when did he tell you anyways?"

"changbin didn't tell me, felix did. yesterday," jisung answers, eyes rolling up to the ceiling.

just then, the door clicks, and jisung's eyes widen, "shoot, jeongin and seungmin is here, gotta call you back later."

before minho could respond, jisung hangs up quickly, sitting up to greet them, "hey guys."

"hiiii," jeongin smiles, placing his bag down, bounding over to jisung to attack him with a bear hug, "who were you talking to?"

"mmm no one," jisung lies, but deep down he cringes.

he hated lying, especially to his close friends. but he knew had to do it. for his relationship. for minho.

and han jisung would do anything for lee minho.


a/n: both hyunjin and changbin really making their moves on their mans in the same chapter and we love to see it 😜😜

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