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seungmin stared at the huge house before his eyes, contemplating whether if he should knock on the door or not.

well, he was still early. early by seven minutes to be exact.

'screw it' seungmin decided, and raised his hand to knock on the door. rapping three times sharply, seungmin waited for a few seconds before someone opened the door.

and by someone, he meant hwang hyunjin. he was in a huge baggy white tee, and grey sweatpants. a black hairband held up his sleek raven hair, his earrings dangling elegantly on the sides.

he also had his toothbrush in his mouth, white soapy suds was coated over his teeth.

"hi," hyunjin said with a smile, words muffled from the toothbrush and white foams in his mouth, "come in."

"woah," seungmin's eyes widened as he stepped into the house. clearly, it was much bigger than what was portrayed from the outside, "this... is big."

"sure is. better than a dorm huh?" hyunjin chuckled, "would you mind waiting for me a bit? you can wait in my room upstairs. it's the third one on the right down the hallway. i'll be up in a sec."

"alright then," seungmin hummed, tucking his books tightly under his arm and headed for the stairs, which were, also fancy and made of marble like the floor.

once he had climbed up the stairs, he counted the doors from the left before stopping at the third door. he tentatively opened it, and was immediately spellbound by the size and the beauty of the bedroom.

a huge, white, king sized bed was laid in the center of the room, and a fluffy white carpet laid at the foot of the bed.

a huge, long desk was positioned against the wall, and beautiful tapestry and fairy lights lined the walls. fake vines also hung on the walls, along with a few plants in the corners of the room, giving the bedroom a nice, nature aura.

opposite the bed was two wooden closed doors which seungmin presumed was a walk in closet behind it, and a toilet behind the closet.

in short, seungmin's dorm room was nothing compared to hyunjin's bedroom.

"pretty isn't it?" hyunjin's voice startled seungmin a little, turning around to see him hold two plates of pasta, "here. eat with me."

"ah... thanks," seungmin smiled as he gratefully received the plate of spaghetti, his stomach rumbling as he hadn't eaten his lunch yet, "and yeah, your room is really pretty."

"you know," hyunjin's tone dropped down deep, his eyes flashing with mysterious excitement, "maybe you could share it with me some day."

"oh my gosh, please don't, it was going so well," seungmin grumbled, his cheeks flushing red, tired of his seat mate's flirty ways, "we've been over this hyunjin. i'm not looking for a relationship."

"oh well," hyunjin shrugged, his voice suddenly returning to normal, "it was worth a try."


"so... how do you get this formula?" seungmin asked, pointing his pen at the question hyunjin was currently stuck at.

it was already half an hour into the lesson, but hyunjin was only at the fifth question, due to him getting distracted by every single little thing.

not to mention when hyunjin had taken a five minute break too, to brush his teeth yet again, after finishing up the spaghetti, which made seungmin question; why bother even brushing his teeth before in the first place?

but he kept the question to himself, focused on the tutoring rather than other pointless things. if he was going to tutor hyunjin, he was going to do it right.

"i don't know," hyunjin sighed, placing down his pen, "i swear half of my soul is gone doing these questions. can't we take a break?"

"i guess we could," seungmin relented a little, seeing hyunjin's tired eyes.

"oh, before i forget, i also wanted to ask you," he added, "how do you come to school everyday? i had to take a cab from the dorms over here and that took me at least ten minutes."

"i drive," hyunjin shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, "guess you didn't see my garage coming in. i can take you to see it later."

"i wouldn't mind that," seungmin smiled, his old interest in cars sparkling within him.

"oh, you have a bit of sauce on your bottom lip," hyunjin said as his eyes landed on a particular spot on seungmin's lip.

"ah really?" seungmin mumbled, embarrassed as he lifted his fingers to rub off the sauce, randomly wiping around his lower lip.

"no... not there. it's more towards your chin. here..."

hyunjin leaned forward and lifted his fingers up to the younger boy's face.

with a small swipe, hyunjin's fingertips gently brushed across seungmin's lip, wiping away the sauce and staining his fingers an orange colour. 

seungmin froze, not expecting that touch from hyunjin, and the fact that he was leaning in so close made his heart beat wildly, emitting small gulp which made hyunjin seem to snap out of some trance he was in, quickly leaning back with an awkward smile.

"sorry," he apologised softly, "i should have asked i you first."

"n-no problem, it's fine," seungmin said with an even more awkward smile, brushing it off lightly, "let's get back to studying, yeah?"

"okay," hyunjin said in a somewhat defeated tone, returning to his worksheet.

once he had started doing the questions again and his attention was no longer on seungmin, the younger tried his best to control his breathing, his hand flying over his chest to calm his heart.

he could only hope that his flaming red cheeks weren't too obvious.


felix hums as he stares out of the window, forcing his eyes to stay open. how long has he been studying?

glancing over at the time, he stretches and yawns loudly. he's been at it for three hours now. a break sounded tempting.

just as he reached across the bed to grab his phone, the dorm room door swings open, jisung marching in with some strange sense of dignity.

"you're slacking off?" he sniggers, plopping himself down right next to felix, "my my, how disappointing."

felix's right eye twitches. how does jisung always catch him in the worst timing?

"i was just about to take a small break when you walked in," felix clicked his tongue in annoyance, "your timing sucks."

"whatever. well, break time starts now, because we're watching anime."

"what?" felix grumbles, tossing away his korean books. it was no use trying to study now. even if he tried, felix knew that his books would get thrown out of the window.

it happened in the fifth grade. he didn't really want to experience it again.

"anime? can't we watch grey's anatomy instead?"

"you and your english shows," jisung sulks, "i can't understand them at all. c'mon, just one episode of assassination classroom!"

"how about switching after every episode?" felix suggests, and jisung hums in agreement.

and that's when jeongin comes in with seungmin, the usual sight of jeongin seemingly chatting the ears off of the cool and reserved seungmin, arms crossed.

"oh! are you guys binging shows?" jeongin perks up at the sight of jisung and felix huddled up together in bed, "can we join?"

"come in!" jisung invites, shuffling over to the side to make space for the two, felix fearing for his life as he hangs dangerously off the bed.

"so... kdramas?"

a collective amount of groans fills the room from felix and jisung.

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