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"are you sure you want to go alone?" seungmin asks worriedly, watching hyunjin pace around the room, "don't you need any... moral support?"

"i shouldn't," hyunjin mumbles, plopping back down on his bed, "don't need my father to be yelling at me for being gay too."

"oh..." seungmin cocks his head to the side, "then why don't you introduce me as your friend?"

"seungmin," hyunjin croons his head over to lock eyes with said person, "i'm not going to make you suffer the discomfort and awkwardness."

"i understand," seungmin says softly, seeing how stressed and anxious hyunjin was. it kind of broke his heart.

"don't stress yourself out," he muttered quietly, walking over to hyunjin and seating himself on the older's lap, "you look ugly when you frown."

"thanks," hyunjin rolled his eyes sarcastically, causing seungmin to giggle, "that sure helps."

"i'm sorry," seungmin rakes his fingers through hyunjin's hair, and the taller closes his eyes. "that feels good."

"mmm," seungmin hums, "i'll be here for you, you know that right?"

"yes i know," hyunjin smiles up at seungmin, pulling him down for a kiss, mumbling a small 'thank you' in it.

"kay, now lets do something to lift up your spirits," the younger hopped off hyunjin's lap, pulling him up to his feet, "let's cook lunch!"




"you lick!"

"you bite!"


"double objection!"

"triple objection!"

"fuck, what's after triple?"

"it doesn't matter, what matters is what kind of psychopath bites ice cream?" jisung argued.

"so you calling me a psychopath?"


"psychopaths don't have emotions. you saying i don't love you?" minho sticks his tongue out at jisung.

"okay fine, i take that back," jisung said quickly, "but you have to understand, i can't possibly date someone who bites their ice cream."

"where did that come from?" minho scoffs.

"it's practically the law lee minho."

"law my ass han jisung."

"it's a crime, a sin, a felony, an offence and illegal."


"okay, let's talk this over," jisung clears his throat, ignoring minho's last statement, "see, i would understand if you bit popsicles, but what kind of imbecile bites soft serve ice cream?"

"rude," minho attempts to swat at jisung, but the younger quickly dodges the attack, shooting a pouty minho a triumphant look.

"okay, lick ice cream. end of discussion."

"whatever," minho grumbles, and jisung smirks, intertwining their fingers happily.

"and jisung wins the argument again."

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