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"i'm going to die."

changbin moaned through the tissues, blowing his sore, red nose.

he was forcefully buried in a fortress of pillows and blankets, courtesy of hyunjin. in fact, he was so deep trapped under the quilts, his movements were limited, and changbin could have sworn his lower half of his body was numb from all the heavy pillows piled on top of him.

"stop being dramatic," hyunjin scolded, but tended to him anyways, carefully setting down a bowl of soup for him to drink.

"you're in no place to say that to me."

"...that hurt. no soup for you," hyunjin decides after a brief pause, but as if on cue, changbin sneezes loudly once again, and hyunjin halts his movements, sighing loudly in defeat as he sets the bowl back down.

"did you cook this?" changbin asked hopefully, receiving the bowl and spoon the other had passed him, taking a small sip.

"of course i did," hyunjin furrowed his brows, "i just made it in the kitchen. minho hyung helped me. you know i'd rather die than buy pre-made soup from the grocery store."

"thanks," changbin mumbled, sinking back into the sheets of hyunjin's guest bedroom.

the three were at hyunjin's house that friday night, keeping a miserable and whiny changbin company as they waited for hyunjin's family doctor to come over and treat him.

"this is boringgg," minho dragged on the words, lying down on the carpeted floor, "i could be out right now. you better be grateful that i'm such a good friend."

"you know i'd do the same for you," changbin frowns, sipping the warm soup in content.

"the doctor's here," hyunjin suddenly announced, turning away from the wide glass windows, getting up from the beanbag he had been sitting on, "get ready bin, he's coming up."

"mmm," changbin grunts, struggling to sit up as he battles the surrounding thick pillows and duvets pressed against him.

it doesn't take very long for the doctor to arrive, flinging the door open with much enthusiasm.

"hi dr kim!" minho sits upright with equal enthusiasm, a bright smile taking place on his face.

"hello boys, good afternoon," a tall man enters the room, with broad shoulders and stunning looks, as he strides easily over to the sick boy, "so what do we have here?"

"hi doctor kim, changbin is sick," hyunjin explains on behalf of changbin, "he says it's one of his regular cold but this time it's not passing."

"let's take a look then," the doctor gently presses his hand to changbin's forehead, before proceeding to carry out a few other tests, such as checking his breathing and blood pressure.

"okay," dr kim says after a long five minutes, removing his stethoscope and packing it back into his bag, taking off his glasses, "you're fine, mr seo, it's really just a stubborn flu that's not passing. take some of this medicine and you'll be fine in a few days."

he reached into his bag and took out a small clear bottle of pills, passing it to hyunjin, "just one after every meal. no more than three a day."

"got it!" hyunjin nodded, tossing the bottle over to minho, who caught it effortlessly, "thanks doc."

"no problem. i'll see myself out then, have a good weekend boys," the doctor said cheerily, picking up his briefcase.

"m' gonna sleep," changbin mumbles drowsily, burying himself in the sheets again, "join me if you want."

"alright. i've got nothing else to do anyways," minho shrugs, and the next second he catapults onto the bed, squashing changbin under his weight as changbin shrieks in pain.

"incoming!" hyunjin yells, and jumps on top of minho, and they all stay piled up together, changbin suffering at the bottom.

"this is not a swimming pool, you uncivilised mole rats," changbin wheezes under them, voice muffled and much hoarser than before.

and with much reluctance, minho and hyunjin tumble off each other, instead shifting over to the sides with changbin in the middle, squeezing the life out of him.

"it's hot," changbin grumbles, but the two doesn't bother moving, much to changbin's anguish.

"i hafvta go soon though," hyunjin mumbles, eye lids drooping, "gotta date with seungmin."

"don't fall into a deep sleep then."


soon, the three tired boys had all drifted off, the sound of quiet snoring and soft air conditioning whirling filling up the peaceful room.


one hour.

two hours.

three hours.

seungmin sighed disappointedly. looks like hyunjin wasn't going to show up after all. he glanced at his phone for the last time.

nope. no notifications.

turning back and climbing up the stairs, he enters his room with a defeated sigh. he flops miserably onto his bed, just as jisung pops out from the bathroom, shooting him a suspicious look.

"back already? that was quick. how was the date?"

"...he didn't show up."


jisung makes a beeline straight over to seungmin, clambering over to the other, hugging him from the back, "what happened?"

"i got stood up," seungmin shrugs, eyes empty from any sign of emotion, "it's expected though. i should've seen this coming."

"that's bullshit!" jisung growls that through gritted teeth, " that playboy hwang, i'll saw his toenails off. no, i'll ask minho to do it instead."

picking up his phone, jisung pressed minho's contact number and placed the call on speaker. the phone rang for a while before minho eventually picked up.

"hello? ji?" he sounded tired and confused, sleep throughly laced in his voice.

"minho!" jisung scolded through the phone, "it's nine pm on a friday night, were you sleeping?"

there was a short silence on the other end of the phone before minho answered.

"yeah. we were taking a nap with changbin. guess we all slept a little more than we should have."


"changbin, hyunjin and i. why?"

"well, there's your answer," jisung covered the phone's microphone, whispering across to a dumbfounded seungmin beside him.

"wow. guess sleep is more important to him than me, huh?"

jisung holds up a hand to seungmin with sorrow and sympathy in his eyes as he responds to minho.

"no reason," jisung replied, "just tell hyunjin that he had a date to go to, and he just slept right through it. also, tell him that felix and i will be attacking him with breadsticks soon. oh! and hyunjin should keep his toenails protected too. sleep well, night babe."

jisung hung up before minho could reply, and flashed seungmin a weak smile, "he was just sleeping. could've been worse right? he could have ditched you for another date."

"i guess," seungmin mumbles, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling, "but if this date had really mattered to him, he shouldn't had even taken a nap in the first place."

"maybe he was really tired," jisung suggested, patting his roommate's back comfortingly, "and he just fell asleep without realising."

"it's strange, he was always the one to pester me and was so eager for a date," seungmin let out a humorless laugh, "i guess the roles has switched now."


a/n: a special short update while i'm on my break because when i woke up i sAW THAT MY BOOK IS RANKED #2 IN MINSUNG 😭 thank you all sm 🥺

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