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that was what minho was for the past week. pushing away jisung, always coming up with excuses, saying that he didn't have time for jisung at the moment.

whenever jisung tried to call him, he declined them, and whenever jisung tried to hug him, or kiss him, he always had a funny look on his face, which screamed 'discomfort' and 'worry'.

jisung finally had enough, after seven days of getting this treatment from minho, he was craving affection more than ever, and he was determined to get it from his boyfriend.

"lee minho!"

jisung's voice cuts through the still air, and minho freezes in his spot. apparently, jisung was everywhere, even when minho was hiding in the school library during lunch, jisung had still managed to find him.

minho turned around hesitantly, eyes searching his surroundings as if someone was spying on them. after a few seconds of scanning the area, minho's eyes finally landed on jisung.

"are we playing some kind of hide-and-seek game that you forgot to tell me about?" jisung asked crossly, walking over to a still frozen minho, "why do you keep running away from me? did i do something?"

jisung watched as minho's expression changed, from a shocked one to an apologetic one, replying jisung with a sorrowful look.

"i don't think we can work out."

"work out?" jisung crinkled up his nose in confusion, "are you saying i'm fat or something? because in my defence i'm actually slightly underweig-"

"no," minho interrupted, "not that. i meant us, me with you. i don't think it'll work out."

"you mean..." jisung's face falls crestfallen and he stills, "did... did i do something wrong?"

"no," minho took a sharp breath in as if jisung's words had physically stung him, "you didn't do anything."

"then why..." jisung trailed off, feelings tears start to build up in his eyes, which he quickly blinked back.

"i lost interest," minho blurted out.

"don't fucking lie to me, minho," jisung's voice is deadly quiet, with an equally deadly glint in his eye, "at least give me a proper excuse. i deserve one."

"no. i can't," minho shook his head, staring at the floor, "i'm... i'm sorry."

"huh," jisung bites the inside of his cheek as he sucks in a breath, "okay. i see how it is."

and with that, minho turned heels, walking off in the other direction, leaving jisung confused and hurt.

he tries to ignore the tears that damp his cheeks.


jisung had experienced a lot of things in his life. he was jisung, after all. ranging from being bitten by a snake to bungee jumping, he sure did experience a lot in his eighteen years of life. but being emotionally attached to a boy he loved-

that was a first.

he had dated countless of boys (and girls), so many that he had lost track, but he was almost always dumped immediately right after, whether it took up to three days or three weeks, he sure was to be broken up with. but never had he once cried over a breakup.

guess you could say he was emotionally numb to these kind of things.

but now, jisung was feeling all sorts of mixed feelings, but mostly hurt and betrayal, as he sat alone on his bed, staring at the wall opposite him.

just then, the door swung open, seungmin and jeongin entering the room, oblivious to jisung's small breakdown. jisung hastily wiped his tears before facing the two with a forced smile.


"hi sung," jeongin smiled widely, braces shining, "wanna come to the café with us? seungmin is treating me, so he'll treat you too."

seungmin didn't object, but he did frown a little, shaking his head as he pocketed his wallet while jeongin continued to ramble off.

"felix is having his shift now, we're gonna go see him and get a few drinks, wanna come with?"

jisung blinked, unsure how to reply to the younger, "um... i have to study for my calculus test tomorrow, i'll come with you guys another time."

"aw," jeongin pouts, but immediately perks up again, "don't worry, we'll bring you a drink back!"

jisung smiles at jeongin gratefully, positive that he could see a halo over the youngest's head as he chuckles softly.

"thanks guys."


changbin taps his foot to the beat, eyes closed and focused as felix sleeps soundly next to him, curled up into a small burrito.

felix's small electric fan whirls softly, in contrast to the silent dorm room with felix's occasional snores, but changbin likes this peaceful setting, with felix sleeping soundly next to him while he worked.

he could certainly get used to this.

he fiddled with his computer, adding in some riffs and even more beats to the music, eyes now open and narrowed, concentrating hard on the track.

changbin was determined to ace his end year music exam, in order to become a producer when he grew up, hence why he was busy with his computer at the moment, trying to perfect the rhythm and melody.

minho wasn't back from his dance class yet, so the two had the dorm to themselves. it was raining, the sky outside dark and gloomy.

placing his computer to the side, changbin decides that he would retire for the evening, too distracted by felix's quiet snoring to concentrate on his music.

suddenly, lightning whipped through the pitch-black skies, followed after was a loud rumble of thunder, waking felix up with a start.

"whatwasthat?" he mumbled, sitting up as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, bed hair fluffy and messy, voice deep and drowsy with sleep.

"it was just the thunder, go back to sleep lixie," changbin answered, slipping his hand into felix's hair, gently raking through the knots, soothing the blonde.

then, the two heard a faint groan and the sound of the door closing, followed by heavy footsteps and a small 'thump'.

minho appeared, hair wet and shirt drenched, whether if it was from the rain or if it was from sweat, changbin wasn't too sure. but it didn't matter in that moment anyways, not when minho looked so depressed and upset.

"what's wrong?" changbin asked, seeing minho's sour face, "did your dance professor grill you again?"

"no," minho sighed, sinking onto the bed defeatedly, "i think i've made a mistake."


a/n: see if you guys can figure out why minho wanted to split up👀👀

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