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jisung walked quickly, glancing at his watch. squeezing through the crowds of people gathered in the school campus pavilion, he hurriedly pushed through the swarms of people until he finally reached the end of the crowd.

running up the stairs and down the hallway at full speed, he burst through the doors to his first period class, which just so happened to be calculus.

"jisung, just in time. go take a seat," professor chan said with his usual warm smile.

ignoring all the judging looks from his classmates, he walked over to his seat and plopped down next to yugyeom, panting heavily as he shrugged his bag off and onto the floor, "i overslept. guess i'm turning into felix."

"i see," yugyeom snorts, directing his focus back to the whiteboard.

"anyways," jisung cleared his throat as he took his water bottle out of his bag, "anything new going on?"

"oh yeah," yugyeom sat up straight with excitement, "you didn't hear? jiwon broke up with minho!"

jisung's eyes widened, choking on the water he was drinking, spitting out the water in his mouth, causing professor chan to look up from the papers he was marking with concern, "jisung, are you alright?"

once jisung's coughing fit had died down and had flashed his professor a thumbs up, jisung quickly turned back to yugyeom with fear evident in his eyes, "what did you say?"

"jiwon broke up with minho. it's like the news of the century, i'm surprised you didn't hear about it. can you believe it? they've been dating since like, forever," yugyeom rambled on, oblivious to jisung's reaction.

but he added after in a crestfallen tone, "no one knows why though."

"yeah," jisung forced out a weak smile, slouching into his seat, "i wonder why he did..."


felix pulled up his mask to his face as he entered the bus for the city. he dropped a few coins into the money box and shuffled to the middle of the bus.

he took a seat next to a boy dressed in all black, who was currently listening to music, earphones plugged in.

felix took another look at the boy's face, before his eyes widened in realisation, "hey, you're the stuttering boy that has a crush on my best friend!"

the boy next to him seemed to have heard, as he quickly took off his earphones and turned to felix with a shocked face, "and you're the boy from the café!"

"yeah!" felix laughed, pulling his mask down, exposing his full face, "changbin, right?"

"yeah," the boy said with a faint smile, "felix?"

"mhm," the australian confirmed with a nod, "so... where are you headed?"

"i'm going to the city. shopping for my best friend's birthday. which is in like, two weeks. but shopping a little earlier won't hurt anyone," changbin answered, "you?"

"that's nice," felix nodded, "i'm just a little off into the city. visiting my grandparents for a while,"

"oh, also, just want to clear things up," changbin cleared his throat as his eyes shifted away from the blonde's, "i don't have a crush on jisung. i was asking for his name for my best friend."

"your best friend?" felix gasped, "best friend like minho? please say it's him, jisung has like, the biggest crush on him. but he won't admit it. he's a stubborn mule."

"no way!" changbin exclaimed, "minho has a huge crush on jisung too! wow, this is unbelievable! wait til i tell him."

"no! i have a better plan!" felix said, clapping his hands together, "what if... we set them up together?"

"like, on a date?" changbin asked excitedly, "that's perfect! we should set them up at the café."

"definitely!" felix beamed, happy that he could help get his best friend together with his crush, but his face fell when he looked out of the window, "oh look, it's almost my stop."

"oh," changbin scratched the back of his neck disappointedly, "well, give me your number. so we can plan up the set up and stuff."

"alright," felix agreed, taking changbin's phone and keyed in his number before handing the cell back to the older, "well, i'll see you around then."

felix stood up from his seat and flashed changbin a gummy smile before stepping off the bus, "call me~"

changbin watched as felix waved at him as the bus rolled past, until felix was out of his sight. he smiled, staring down at the phone in his hand with the younger's number saved in it, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach.


jeongin whistled the tune of his favourite trot song as he walked briskly on the sidewalk, smoothie in his hand and bag in the other. seungmin walked next to him, with his hands in his pockets and bag slung across his chest.

"we got your smoothie, so what do you want to do now?"

"i don't know. i still need to work on my chemistry presentation. have you done it yet? who's your partner?" jeongin asked, swinging his arms as they walked.

"i haven't done it yet either. my partner is hyunjin, unfortunately. which means," seungmin let out a deep breath, "more flirting and pet names."

"oh..." jeongin patted his friend on the back sympathetically.


minho sat on his best friend's couch, chin on his hand and elbow on his knee, "since when were you so into chemistry?"

"am not!" hyunjin frowned, gripping the pen in his hand tightly as he stared at the sheet of questions before him, "it's just that seungmin said i needed to work on some questions. so, i am."

"wow, how much are you crushing on this boy to get you to do chemistry?" changbin's loud laugh came from the kitchen.

"oh shut up!" hyunjin moaned, running his fingers through his hair in frustration before adding in a smaller voice, "i just don't want to disappoint him."

"okay little one," minho chuckled, patting hyunjin's hair lightly, "study hard and you just might get to date him."

"yeah right," hyunjin mumbled miserably, "i've been chasing seungmin since the first day of school, its been a month already and he still won't go out with me despite everything i'm doing!"

"see this is why we were warning you about being such a playboy, so pure souls like seungmin will definitely not date you," changbin smirked, walking towards the other two with a plate of snacks in one hand and drinks in the other.

"but hyungs," hyunjin said softly, "he's different. i don't know why but he really is different. like i want to have a proper relationship with him."

minho and changbin exchanged looks of disbelief, mouths agape.

"wait a second," minho laughed, "you? hwang hyunjin? school famous playboy wants a serious relationship for the first time ever?"

"wow this," changbin dried his 'tears' with the back of his hand as he shot hyunjin a proud smile, "this character growth is amazing."

"changbin, wanna bet how long he'll last?"

"three hours tops."

"a little generous, don't you think?"

"i'll go with three hours. i'll bet you a week's worth of dinner."

"okay, i'll bet two hours, then."

despite knowing their entire conversation was a joke, hyunjin couldn't help but throw a punch at each of their stomachs, "cut the crap. we all know you'll both be using my credit card to pay anyways."

"oh no, we'd never." 

"whatever guys," hyunjin snorted at his friend's dramatics before collapsing dramatically onto his desk himself, wailing out loud, "just help me with these questions. please."


a/n: stay safe and remember wash your hands kiddos

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