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"c'mon seung! live a little!" felix argued, as the four made their way to school.

"no thanks, i'm good," seungmin said weakly, but jisung and felix still pestered, to his dismay, "i've been to two parties this year so far, so i think i've lived enough."

"please! just once!" jisung begged, linking arms with the tortured boy in the middle, "heck, i had a more interesting life than you when i was fifteen!"


"okay i'm sorry, but who does two parties a year in college?"

"correction, those two will be my first and last parties i will ever attend, so two party in four years."

"no offence seung, but you just took nerd to another level."

"offence taken."

"hey look! it's minho and hyunjin!" jeongin suddenly cuts off their argument, pointing to two people not too far off, back facing them.

jisung froze on the spot, and his face paled, "i... i need to use the bathroom real quick. go first, i'll catch up with you guys later."

jisung ran off before any of the boys could say anything, the three boys stood baffled.

"strange. i haven't seen him run that fast since his mum chased him with a slipper that time when he hit her with breadsticks in elementary school," felix whispered to the two boys next to him.

"come to think of it," seungmin frowned, "for the past two weeks he always runs away whenever one of us mentions minho."

"oh yeah, and i haven't seen them together these few weeks too," felix muttered thoughtfully, "is everything alright between them?"

"is that why minho seems so depressed all the time?" jeongin recalled, thinking of the night when he had seen minho standing idly at their dorms, looking like he was on the verge of tears.

"we can question him later," felix cleared his throat, and the three continued on their way to school, "so seung, what'd ya say?"

"for what?"

"to go clubbing with jisung and i tonight."

"absolutely not."


ten hours later, seungmin was dressed in jisung's clothes, and face full of felix's make up. he was currently standing in front of the mirror in his and jisung's dorm, letting the two other boys doll him up.

well, it was more like he had run out of energy trying to stop the two from dressing him up, so he had pretty much given up at this point trying to stop them.

which meant the two got to do whatever they wanted with him. seungmin was powerless.

and that all leads to where they were now, seungmin in jisung's choker, tight tank top and ripped black jeans, and in felix's purple eyeshadow and glittery lip gloss.

"i thought clubs were for twenty one and older?" seungmin complained as jisung forced his feet into his black boots.

"this club is special," felix winked at him, as he did the finishing touches on seungmin's blush.

"if hyunjin finds out i'm so dead. i'll be blaming it on you guys if he does," seungmin grumbled, crossing his arms.

"trust me seung, we're doing him a favour."

"whatever. oh, also, i'm not drinking by the way."


both jisung and felix gasp dramatically, eyes widening in shock.

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