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"he's a wreck," felix said sadly, looking at changbin beside him, "he even skipped class for the first time in his life on monday just to avoid hyunjin."

changbin stayed silent, not knowing what to say, but he slipped his hand into felix's, squeezing it reassuringly.

"yeah, why must your best friend be such a jerk?" jisung shot at minho accusingly, to which minho scrunched up his face in disgust.

the four were out for dinner, as it had become a weekly thing for them to go out together every weekend.

"are you blaming me for hyunjin being a playboy?" he asked in disbelief, hand over the right side of his chest, "wow. i'm hurt."

"your heart is on the other side of your chest mr. einstein," changbin rolled his eyes on the other side, earning a sharp kick from minho under the table.

"ow! hey!"

jisung laughed before he looking up from his drink, only to see someone standing at the entrance of the restaurant. a chill ran his spine, his chuckles stopping short.

the other three followed his gaze, wondering why he had stopped so abruptly, but it made sense when they saw who was standing at the doors of the restaurant.

it was jiwon with a bunch of her girlfriends, luckily none of them seemed to notice the four, as they were too engrossed with their phones to even look up.

"just ignore them," minho whispered softly, leaning in closer to jisung, rubbing his hand, "don't worry about her."

"you're right. i shouldn't," jisung let out a breath, shaking his head fiercely, "but we're done right? we can leave now."

"we still have our deserts coming ji," felix reminded, and jisung slumped onto his seat, closing his eyes in defeat. 

soon however, unfortunately for jiwon had finally spotted the four, jisung mentally cursing in his brain as she made her way over.

"hi boys," she said, flashing a charming smile with a little wave, "fancy seeing guys here. minho, i haven't seen you around lately."

she had a white lace shirt on, along with black ripped jeans secured with a gucci belt, her hair tied up in a high ponytail, but her hair was so long it still reached her lower back.

minho just gave a curt nod, whereas jisung had his eyes fixated to the floor, as changbin and felix replied with a 'hi' back.

"so, the weather has been nice these days huh," jiwon started, sliding into an empty seat beside felix, popping a peanut from one of their side dishes into her mouth.

"why are you here jiwon?" minho asked with a raised eyebrow, arm draped over jisung's shoulders, "go back to your friends."

"don't be mean hon," jiwon gave a fake pout, preceding to fish out four elegant white cards, each tied with a pretty light pink bow, handing them out to each of them.

"i'm inviting all of you to my birthday party!"


"so are you going?" felix asked tentatively, as if the question would break jisung, who was currently biting his nails, wracking his brain.

"i don't know," jisung shook his head, staring down at the card in his hands, "there has to be some kind of motive behind this right? i mean, why would she invite her ex's new boyfriend? and you? she doesn't know you."

"hey, maybe she just wants new friends," felix replied with a small shrug, "you never know."

"i can't think about this now," jisung sighed, as the elevator doors opened to their dorm floor, both of them stepping out, "i'll think about it in the morning."

"well you should decide fast, it's coming up next week," felix and jisung walked down the hallway before stopping at their representative doors.

"i know, i will."

"okay, well goodnight then ji."

"goodnight lix."


minho was parked outside of the club, tapping on the steering wheel nervously. he wasn't exactly allowed to drive yet, but he figured he would be okay if it was just a quick drive there and back in hyunjin's car.

he dialled someone's number, before placing his phone next to his ear, waiting impatiently for the other to pick up.


"i'm here. get out so we can leave."


minho huffed as he hung up, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back into the glossy white leather seats of hyunjin's convertible, closing his eyes.

it was one in the morning. he just wanted to go home.

a few seconds later, a slam of a car door woke him up from his twenty second nap, startling him awake.

"heyyy, fancy seeing your pretty face here," jiwon mused, delicately running her fingertips over minho's skin, who quickly jerked away.

"you called me to pick you up," minho grumbled, starting up the car, "you're lucky i'm doing this for you on a school night. you better not do anything funny."

"no~" jiwon threw her hands up, shaking her head innocently, "i would never."

"at least you still have a little sense to call me to pick you up when you're drunk," minho remarked, speeding past the green lights and the buildings that surrounded them, "but you're going to need to find someone else to take you home from now on, okay? i'm not available now."

"mmm," jiwon just nodded, staring at minho through her long eyelashes while minho shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

soon, they had arrived at jiwon's dorms. minho parked the car by the street, looking at jiwon expectantly, while she stared back.

"well? get out."

"don't be so meannn," jiwon drawled, leaning ever so closer to minho, who backed away instantly, "don't you miss me min?"

minho's breath caught in his throat when he heard the nickname, flashbacks of all the memories he had shared with jiwon coursing through his head.

but before he could get too carried away, he quickly shook his head, forcing himself back into reality.

"you need to go jiwon," he said firmly, leaning across her to open the car door on her side, which was a great mistake.

she took the opportunity to grab him by the chin, turning his head so that he faced her, and she leaned in to kiss him.

"no, stop!" minho struggled to jerk away, but she already had her lips on his, and for a brief moment minho stopped struggling, the familiar feeling and smell of jiwon temporarily comforting him.

she pulled away, looking at minho with glossy eyes, as she whispered softly, "don't you miss this?"

"you don't know what you're doing," minho shook his head, reminding himself. he can't get mad at her.

head still spinning, minho whispered back dazedly, "you need to go jiwon."

"fine. goodnight," jiwon suddenly sat up abruptly, unbuckling her seatbelt and left the car, and minho watched as she walked towards her dormitory, disappearing behind the building.

the alcoholic taste still lingered on minho's lips from the kiss.

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