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a lone boy wondered the many shelves of books in the lonely school library, scanning each book he walked pass, hoping to spot a book that looked interesting.

a bookworm at heart, kim seungmin had decided to go to the library for his first day at college during lunch, instead of trying to make some new friends.

'i don't need friends, anyways' seungmin's mentality has always been the same.

seungmin had always been a hardworking boy, and what some people would call a nerd, but he never once did mind. his plan was to study hard in college, graduate with top marks, then proceed to study in a law school, and finally, inevitably become a lawyer.

he didn't plan on making friends. he decided that friends would be a distraction to him and his studies, which was why seungmin had decided to go to the library today, in hopes of finding an interesting book he could engross himself in for the next a few days, having no intentions of socialising.

however, before he could pick out a book, he looked at his watch and realised that lunch would be ending an a few minutes.

sighing, he grabbed his bag he had dropped down in a corner and slung the strap over his shoulder, and headed off to his next lesson, chemistry.


seungmin pushed the door open, and to his surprise, his professor was already there, along with half of the students, "ah, good afternoon professor kim."

the moment he could feel all eyes on him, his ears burned red.

"good afternoon. what's your name?" the professor asked with a friendly smile.

"kim seungmin," he answered, taking a seat closest to where he was standing, which coincidentally, was where another boy sat, sound asleep, head on the table, while his professor marked his attendance.

trying to make as little noise as possible, seungmin sat down and placed his bag next to him. however, his attempt was in vain when the boy next to him stirred awake.

"ah, sorry if i woke you up," seungmin spoke timidly, finding the boy sitting next to him a little intimidating, with his stunning visuals and all the expensive clothes and jewellery he was wearing, "is this seat taken?"

"no problem. this seat's free," the boy said, brushing his perfect hair out of his perfect eyes, "i'm hwang hyunjin, you are?"

"kim seungmin," he mumbled, the second time that day, playing nervously with the hem of his shirt. he was never good at conversations, but he could only blame it on himself, for not being more social than he should have been.

"pleasure to meet you then," hyunjin said with a soothing smile, his voice dripping with sweetness, "so, seungmin. tell me about yourself."

introduction? this wasn't planned.

seungmin thinks to himself, breaking into a cold sweat. maybe he should've stayed in the library.

"uh," seungmin gulped a little, suddenly finding his mind blank, "uh... i like the colour blue? a-and i really like this band called 'day6', and i want to be a lawyer. that's all about me i guess, i'm not that interesting."

"you must be very smart then," hyunjin winked at the flustered boy next to him, "and you have very good music taste. i think you're quite interesting, i'd like to know more about you."

"thanks," seungmin flashed hyunjin a simper, quickly returning the compliment, "and you have a very good fashion taste."

"maybe i could take you shopping some day, and i could teach you a few things about fashion," hyunjin said, his words flowing smoothly.

"a-ah," seungmin scratched the back of his neck. was this boy trying to flirt with him? seungmin didn't know what to say, so he just gave him an awkward nod.

but suddenly, it struck him.

"...are you saying my fashion style is bad?"

"no, i'm just saying it's a little plain," hyunjin remarks. 

seungmin glanced down at his outfit before looking over at hyunjin. okay, comparing his worn-out maroon sweater paired with cream coloured pants beside hyunjin's branded oversized sweatshirt and denim jeans, hyunjin had a point.

suddenly feeling insecure about his clothes, seungmin subconsciously covers himself with his arms, crossing them over his chest.

"hey, hey, i'm sorry, i didn't mean it as an insult."

hyunjin then chuckled, sensing that the boy next to him was probably shy, "well, anyways i hope we can be good friends—"

he leans in uncomfortably close into seungmin's personal space, mouth inches away from said boy's ears (which were probably so red they matched his sweater).

"—or maybe even more than that, who knows?" 

upon hearing that, seungmin's eyes widened as he felt himself choke on a breath of air, "u-uh, i'm good, thanks. i don't think i want a relationship. not now, not ever. if that's what you're implying."

relationships had never even crossed seungmin's mind once. there was no way he could handle both a relationship and his studies at the same time.

no, he won't allow himself.

hyunjin yawns casually, draping an arm across seungmin's chair as he brushes his bangs out of his eyes carelessly.

"i bet i can change your mind. you'll see."

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