Chapter 30: Call It What You Want

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It was as if we were back in high school.

Same old people, same old party scene. Only now, I was in a secret relationship with the town's Golden Boy. How surreal was that?

"Girl, you're in a so – ro – ri – tyyy!" screamed Milo, shaking me senseless. His green hair was now pink.

Brooklyn whooped, raising her fists.

Halo burst out laughing. "I love that for you."

"Don't you think it's weird as hell?" I asked.

"Nope." She shook her head and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they twinkled. "It's like you're finally blossoming into who you're really meant to be."

I tried not to laugh. "A sorority chick?"

"A strong woman," she claimed firmly.

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical. I figured she was drunk because that didn't make any sense. I could be a strong woman without joining any organization or club.

"Are frat guys really fuckboys?" asked Brooklyn curiously.

"Not all of 'em," I answered, spotting Scout in the crowd.

When he saw me, a knowing small smile appeared. It took all of me not to go over there and kiss him. God, what had he done to me?

"Ooh, deets!" Milo clapped enthusiastically. "Have you dated one?"

Brooklyn got in my face. "Are you dating one?"

"Can't wait to get into college, can you?" I smirked, subtly turning the spotlight on them instead of me.

"Of course!" scoffed Milo, putting a hand on his chest. "I love high school, but I'm also sick of high school. I'm so ready for something new."

"Yeah, you'll love college life." I laughed, and nodded to Halo. "You're moving in with Oz next year, right?"

She was going to attend University of Florida and follow Oz. They could handle the long-distance thing very well, but what couple wanted to be apart?

She grinned, biting her bottom lip and looking nervous. "I'd like to think of it as us being roommates."

I snorted. "Roommates who share the same bed."

Halo's cheeks flushed, looking embarrassed as fuck. I laughed out loud at her reaction. She was still very shy talking about sexual shit.

"What're the classes like?" asked Brooklyn suddenly.

I grinned at their eagerness. It was cute. I guessed since they were graduating next May, they wanted to be prepared as much as they could.

And so, I continued to tell them more stories about my college life – excluding a certain redhead who played a big part of it, which was a struggle.

"There you are!"

Without so much as a warning, Kurt put an arm around my neck and started dragging me away from Halo and the others.

"Sorry, y'all!" he called over to them, not sounding sorry at all. "Kidnappin' the birthday girl! Leggo, brownie bud," he drawled, adding the last part to me.

"Ugh." I struggled to get away from his grip, hitting the side of his body with my fist. "I haven't been your brownie buddy since last Christmas, you big doofus."

"Tragic, ain't it?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes, giving up. "Where are we going?"

"Beer pong table. Need a partner, and we both know you're the motherfucking undefeated queen."

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