Ch. 2

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Y/N: "yes I am him but please don't tell anyone about me ?"

Akali/ahri: "THATS AWESOME " they jumped in excitement while saying it. There hoodie went sliding down and her ears popped out and immediately took attention from people.
A mob of people formed trying to get the girls. You threw a sulphur bomb at the people and when it exploded the people coughed uncontrollably buying you Time to flee away.

You summoned three clones of yourself carried the girls bridal style, used your wings and flew your way out of there. After when you flew out of the mall you seee that ahri is shaking, and the three were wide eyed.

Clone 1: "ahri you okay ?"

Ahri:"GYAAAA I'm scared of heights!!"

Clone 2: "should've known that"

Clone 3: " ok but where are we going ? We don't-"

Evelyn: "lets go to our penthouse" she said that without looking down and looked at the clone carrying her. You earned a blush from Evelyns face.

Y/N: alright people where's your penthouse exactly?

-TIMESKIP 5 minutes-
After flying your way to the penthouse of KDA it was a really huge place though. You asked Evelyn where to drop you guys at.

Evelyn: "drop us at front of the main entrance down there" she shakingly pointed down wards.

Clone 3: "well then get ready, this is going to be a roller coaster!"

Ahri: "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!! " she screamed like a kid

You flew straight down and doing a bit of spins you could tell akali is having fun

Akali: WEEEEE!!!

while the rest are just too shocked to react and ahri screaming.
You went full speed breaking the speed of sound you were about to hit the floor but then stopped at the last moment

Y/N: "whew that mall scenario was a disaster"

Clone2: "tell me about it"

You de spawned the clones you have summoned and looked at the girls. They all have a wide eyed expression, I think I broke them.

Kai'sa: "how many abilities do you even have ?"

Eve: "it's rare for people to have two or three now a days!"

Ahri: but you clearly had more than two abilities !

You rubbed your head in the back being kinda shy about your powers
Akali: "well ? " she asked in a little bit of anger in her tone.

Y/N: "well... I have quite a few of abilities in my hand Ehehehe"

Ahri: show me all of them!!!

Y/N: I-I can't show you all of my powers, I can only use some that aren't too destructive-

Evelyn: we have a training room at the penthouse-

Y/N: "no I think it's best to do it outside I'm afraid the building might go down-"

Kai'sa: "what do you mean by that ?

Evelyn: "if that's the case then maybe will go to a place where no one can be at all."

Y/N: "fine by me " you nodded your head in agreement. Evelyn took her cell phone and called a cab
After a minute or less the cab came and Evelyn told the taxi driver the location. All of you hopped in the cab and rode your way to the location which Evelyn told.

During the ride ahri and akali asked you lots and lots of questions.

Ahri: "so what do you do in college? "

Be bad or good ? (Malereader x KDA)Where stories live. Discover now