Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- Mina, Denki, (Y/N) vs Nezu

Chapter 23- Mina, Denki, (Y/N) vs Nezu

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It was the day. The day for the practical exams, to see who would go to the camping trip. You all stood in front of the teachers, costumes on and waiting for instructions.
"Alright, you may be wondering why the teachers are here and some one you might have a clue about what the practical exam is about," Aizawa said.

"We're gonna battle some robots!!" Kaminari and Ashido said excitedly, that was until Nezu crawled out of Aizawa's scarf.
"Actually, there's been a change in plans. Due to the surge of villains the school has faced, it was decided it was better to increase the students' battle experiences with real life scenarios." He explained getting down.

"Which is why you're fighting the teachers!" You were a little dumbfounded. Fighting teachers? Pro heroes that dealt with more dangerous villains? Even probably killed? You had a slight panic attack at the thought, but shook it away.
"Your teams will be based on relationships, quirks, and advantages, and there will be three people in a team due to odd numbers," he said smiling and raising his paw.

Aizawa read out the teams and you were paired up with Ashido and Kaminari, and you were gonna fight Nezu. You gulped, you had to admit you're a little scared of what Nezu has in store, but you ignored it.

"Hey (Y/N), let's give it our best ok?" Kaminari gave you thumbs up and Ashido had a big smile, making you nod and think about a plan.


The first 4 matches went by, with Sato and Kirishima losing, Asui and Tokoyami winning, Ojiro and Iida winning, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu winning too. You were currently watching Uraraka and Aoyama holding onto a railing while Thirteen kept on sucking very thing with their black hole. You were worried that they would get sucked in, but Aoyama said something to Uraraka, who let go in shock and was getting closer to Thirteen, but she turned and push Thirteen to the ground, Aoyama rushing to pin them down as Uraraka placed the handcuffs on them.

"Woah, Ochaco got stronger after the internship," you said to Izuku, who nodded.
"Yeah, but she didn't do that on purpose, whatever Aoyama said made Uraraka let go," he said pointing at the screen. Huh, you didn't noticed that, wonder what he said? It was now your turn to have the practical exam.
"Good luck (Y/N), ribbit," Asui said putting her hand on her chin. You gave them a thumbs up and ran quickly to the entrance.

"Team Ashido, Kaminari, and (L/N), practical exam. Ready? Go!"

The three of you ran through the buildings in search of the Exit. You were using your echolocation to try and find the Exit.
"So, what do you want to do y'all?" Ashido asked.
"Let's just run, even if he does find us, he's tiny. I can take care of him with my electricity," Kaminari said plainly.
"Maybe you two shouldn't even use your powers, it would look bad to blast and melt the principal," He jokingly said.
"I wouldn't be making fun of him," They looked at you

"Hm? What do you mean?" Ashido asked.
"Principal Nezu is a highly intelligent creature, and isn't afraid to show off his sadistic side every now and then. I'd advise you two to be cautious," You explained. Then a sudden sound made you three stopped and look around. You turned into your dragon form just in case.
"What the heck was that?" Kaminari asked. You felt something above you and looked up to see a beam falling. You quickly scooped up the two and ran fast as things behind you started to fall.

"Woah!! Is that the principal doing this?!" Ashido yelled as you dodged and duck under some rubble.
"I told you! He's probably somewhere up high and causing some destructive movements!!" you shouted sliding inside a building.
"Odin dammit, he's blocking off areas from the Exit so we'll be stuck in the middle." You said
"At this rate, we'll never find him!" Ashido whined.
"There goes summer camp," Kaminari sulked on your back. You thought for a moment to think of a plan as you heard crashes getting closer.

"Wait a minutes," They looked at you in hope that you know what to do.
"Principal Nezu can predict what we'll do, he knows our next move. Since I can't fly, Mina can't throw her acid in a distant range, and Denki can't shoot his electricity in a certain direction, he knows that we're at a disadvantage," You explained. They slumped their shoulders.
"Then that means we won't win?" Ashido asked sadly, but you shook your head.

"No, with every plan there's a downfall. Nezu can predict our moves because we do things as expected in a fight. Running, hiding, not being able to use our power like this," You licked your hand to have saliva on it.
"This may be a big stretch, but it's a plan nevertheless. We'll try and do something so out of character, that he probably won't have time to process it and we'll make a run for it." You said.

"Ok then, but what is something that is out of character for us to do?" Kaminari asked. You looked at their jackets, then at your lefy wing.
"You two take off your jackets, I know what to do,"

"wait what?"


"Where are they?" Izuku asked worriedly as the building you guys were under collapsed.
"Nezu's attacks are put out well, those three won't make it out in time," Iida said.
"Not quite." They looked at Recovery girl.
"The team may be a mismatch, but those three have shown of cooperation with each other against Nezu. Not bright ones, but they do have a plan," She explained.

"Look!" Yaoyorozu pointed at the screen. A big blur rushed up in the skies where Nezu was. A sudden familiar loud roar was heard, and familiar black and white dragon.
"Wait..." Izuku's eyes widen.
"Is (Y/N)..." Iida had a big smile on his face.
"flying?" Asui was shocked and happy.
"I told you they had a plan," Recovery smiled.

"UNEXPECTED MOVE!!" Ashido and Kaminari shouted excitedly as you faced Nezu in his machine. Ashido's and Kaminari's jackets were glued together with your saliva and was stuck on you left wing.

It was a makeshift wing.

Nezu had a slight surprised look, but then smiled.
"Oh my, an unexpected move indeed," He said as you blasted a plasma blast at the wrecking ball, so he won't destroy anything else, then fly fast towards the Exit.

"Team Ashido, Kaminari, and (L/N) has passed the exam."


"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH (Y/N), YOU'RE AN ANGEL SENT FROM ABOVE!!!!" Ashido and Kaminari bowed and hugged you tightly.
"Uhhh, it wasn't only me guys, you gave me your jackets make make a fake wing for me. Even if it was temporary, you made me feel happy again." You explained. They ignored you and kept in hugging you, which made others in the class jealous.

"You all better sit down," Aizawa said, immediately everyone sat down. He started to explain that no one failed the writing exam, but of course, Kirishima and Sato failed, and Sero too since he got knocked out.
"From the way Kaminari and Ashido faced, they would've failed too, but (L/N), saved them and passed their practical exam," he explained, Kaminari and Ashido silently crying in relief.

He then surprised the class saying the one who failed still gets to go to camp, but would have extra courses. You were relieved that Kirishima, Sato, and Sero get to go, you were excited to spend a week in the forest.

Class ended and you were talking to Izuku, when Hagakure jumped up.
"Hey everyone, how about we all go to the mall together!!" She said. Some agreed, some didn't, and you wanted to go.
"I want to see what a mall looks like," you said.
"Come on Midoriya! Bring (Y/N) outside more often!" Kirishima said, making Izuku nod.

"Yeah, ok! Maybe before camp, wanna go and see the city more (Y/N)?" He asked. You were going to say yes, but then you realized something.
"No thanks, Denki can show me the city on our date." You said grabbing your bag and leaving the room, leaving the class silent, and Kaminari being killed by the glares.


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