Movie 2 Chapter 1

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Movie 2 Chapter 1- Island For Heroes!

Movie 2 Chapter 1- Island For Heroes!

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This world is a superhuman society.

With 80% of the population of humans were given a gift of powers called quirks, while the 20% weren't.

But I wasn't in any of those percentages.

For I am a dragon. Named (Y/N) (L/N).

My friend, Izuku Midoriya, was unfortunately quirkless, until he met the number 1 hero, Allmight. I trained hard along side him and he got into UA, while I got in... with a different approach.

Though through trials of villains and rivalry, this is the journey where I help my friends to become the greatest heroes of all time.

And me finding my bright future.


"Hero agency... You lost your brother? Don't worry kid, I'll send someone down now... Thank you for your patience... we'll find him soon," You smiled and hung up the phone.
"Got a missing kid, named Katsuma Shimano, anyone want to help?," You said to the class. A month Aizawa informed your class that you all will participate in the U.A. High's safety program sponsored by the Public Safety Commission on Nabu Island, a place you absolutely love.

"Hard pass," Bakugou grumbled reading a book.
"Come on Kacchan!" You whined getting up.
"Missing kid huh? I'll go with (Y/N)," Jiro smiled at you twirling her ear jacks.
"Same here!" Uraraka said.
"I wanna go too," Izuku got up. You smiled and you four ran outside. You turned in your dragon form and allowed Jiro, Uraraka, and Izuku to get on and you ran off.

So far, helping the island wasn't an easy task, but you felt so happy helping the people that lived here, they needed heroes after the original retired. You four talked around to others asking the whereabouts of the missing kid, and you found a lead that said they saw him walking around a park. You sniffed the air and followed the scent.

"Found anything (Y/N)?" Jiro asked plugging her ear jacks in the ground. You stop and looked up, and nodded.
"I'll go first!" You said running to the park and looking around.
"Hello? Katsuma?" You said, hearing something behind a slide. You walked closer and kneeled down to see a blondish kid, a little scared.

"Don't worry, the heroes are here now, you got separated by your sister right? I'll take her to you," You smiled softly at the boy, who timidly scooted back.
'He kinda reminds me of Zuku-kun,' You thought as you heard another kid's voice.
"Took you long enough!" A girl slid down and glared at you.
"What's your name you slowpoke?" She demanded.

"Toothless," You sweat dropped.
"Well 'Toothless', my name is Mahoro, Katsuma's big sister," She explained.
"Well I guess you found him first then, I'm glad," You tried to reassure her, but she poked you in the chest.
"Explain why it took you over an hour to find him?! You're supposed to be high and famous and this is what they had to give us?! If they're gonna give us losers like you then we would've been better with that old man instead!" She scolded as you just took a step back.

"Loser? Listen kid, we trained so hard to be this far and you're saying we're slow of trying to find a missing small kid on a huge island? And if you want an old person to be your hero, then I'll let you know that I'm way older than you think kid!" You growled at her, making her flinch a bit, but smirked.
"Wow so defensive, you're just a high schooler after all,"

"What did I say?! I'm way older than a highschooler! And I bet you can't do any better," You two but heads with each other as Izuku, Uraraka, and Jiro started to run up.
"Next time do your job better then, Toothless. Lets go Katsuma," She smirked and walked off, leaving you irritated.
'She's acting like Kacchan and Kota before I saved him,' You thought as you heard Katsuma.

"Thank you..." He mumbled to you, making you stare and give him a small smile. Mahoro grabbed his hand and dragged him away.
"Hey (Y/N), what happened?" Uraraka asked concerned.
"The kid was scolding me for taking too long for finding her little brother," You grumbled getting up.
"What? That's ridiculous," Jiro tilted her head.

"Yeah, but I'm just glad that Katsuma was okay," you smiled at them, making them blush.
"Y-yeah! Let's get back to the building," Izuku stammered. You four walked back, as you were thinking about Mahoro.

'She seems very defensive when it came to heroes, I wonder why.'


You all sat at the tables as you were curled up in a ball tired on the couch.
"Remember everyone, it's true we came here as heroes, but know that we're still students. We have to work hard to earn the islanders trust," Yaoyorozu explained.
"Does that mean everyone? Because a certain someone was sitting here the entire time," Mineta pointed to Bakugou.

"Hey someone has to be here, what if  a villain shows up huh?" Bakugou scowled giving a thumbs down.
"Please Kacchan, if there was we'll be ready," You mumbled yawning. Then there was a knock on the door, making you jump slightly. It was the islanders and they came to give you all food as a reward.

"This is how we thank you all for your help today," The mayor bowed. Your mouth watered at the food as the class cheered and thanked them. You scarfed down the food in seconds and was internally grateful for food. You and Izuku made cat faces after you were done.
"So good, you can feel the love they put in," You mumbled.

Shoji, Uraraka, Izuku, and Asui blushed as you made the cat face.

'So cute,'


"Remember Zuku-kun, focus," You said to Izuku as it was night and he was trying out his powers again. You were watching as you had to watch over just in case.
"Kacchan! Hey! How's the patrol?" Izuku asked as Bakugou walked up in his hero suit. You had to admit, his changes to his costume made him admiring.

'Come on (Y/N), this was the human who ripped your wing off, stop thinking he's attractive!' You scolded yourself.
"It looks like your getting the hang of One for All, but remember I don't like waiting," He said passing by Izuku and you. You forgot that Izuku told Bakugou about his quirk, and it's a secret between you three and Allmight.
"Don't slack off, make that quirk yours," He turns to face him and you.

"So we could have a real battle, and the same goes to you Lizard bastard," You nodded and swayed your tail.
"We won't hold back then," You said with a determined smile. He tsked and looked away, as Izuku slightly glared at Bakugou.
'I'll be the best hero for Allmight and (Y/N), and when I do I'll win her heart!'

"Help!" You turn to see Katsuma standing there worried and a little ashamed.
"Hey Katsuma," You said.
"There's... a villain!" Your eyes widen as Bakugou shoved both of you.
"Villain?! Okay kid, show me where it is!!" He yelled at the boy, who trembled.

"Over there!" Bakugou grabbed the kid and ran to the direction Katsuma pointed at. You and Izuku ran after him because you 100% didn't trust Bakugou with a villain.
"Why are you following you damn nerds?!" He screamed at you two.
"It's a villain Kacchan, you need backup!" Izuku protested.

"Shut up! I can do it myself!" He yelled back as Katsuma pointed at the giant praying mantis creature. Bakugou flew up and charged at the monster, throwing Katsuma. You flew too and caught him as Bakugou used his stun move, but it didn't affect the mantis.
"Kacchan!!" You yelled at him as the mantis crushed him, but he just walked away.

"What?" You and Izuku mumbled as Bakugou made a huge explosion, making another kid fall back behind a rock.
"Hey what" You paused as you saw it was Mahoro.
'Is her quirk illusion? She did this?' You thought a little annoyed.
"(Y/N) we have to help the girl!" Izuku said.

"Should I?" You asked as you kinda want this girl to be scolded by Bakugou.


"Ok fine!"

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