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JUST A NUDE by Savaginity
05 ;; Do not stare

JUST A NUDE by Savaginity05 ;; Do not stare

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November 10th, 2018

Jimin was in no mood for moving from where he sat on the rooftop. More like, still shocked to move from the previous messages.

He heard a ding which made his heart stop. But the moment he saw that it was Hoseok, he sighed loudly in relief.

Where are you?

On the rooftop


How many times do I have to tell you to not go there! Jimin that's where the old arts room is!

I know, jeez. And so what? It's just a room

A haunted room!

Hoseok, that's all rumours

Whatever the fuck it is, it's still scary. I mean that is the room where a guy killed himself Jimin! You shouldn't be anywhere close to it!

I know. But just out of curiosity, why did the boy kill himself?

Idfk the whole school humiliated him or something. Now get out of there!

I will, calm down. What's so scary about the room anyways?

Haven't you heard the rumours at all?


They say that the spirit of that guy is still on that floor. Nobody goes into that room. Sometimes we can hear a guy crying and the next instant the number on the door template changes! That's fucking scary!

If Jimin was honest with himself, he felt scared too. With all the creepy texts going on, he did feel it. But he acted cool.

Those are rumours, Hobi. Sounds like some bullshit to me

Either way, get out of there

Fine. I'm coming

Jimin pocketed his phone and stood up. He quaffed his cola and crushed the can before flinging it off mindlessly. He started his juul and placed it between his lips. He was about to scale down the stairs when he heard something.

Jimin frowned and turned around, coming face to face with the door of the old arts room. His blood turned cold when he heard some sort of cries behind the door that looked so eerie.

Jimin's lips parted and he blew out the smoke he had puffed in.

He stared at the door with his heart in his hands. The door number '14' was engraved on a golden number plate stuck on the door.

And right in front of his eyes, the first number changed to '0'.

Jimin ran as fast as he could, letting the wails that came behind the door go inaudible to his ears.

Jimin ran as fast as he could, letting the wails that came behind the door go inaudible to his ears

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