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Just a nude by Savaginity
45 ;; Do not listen

Just a nude by Savaginity45 ;; Do not listen

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November 23rd, 2018

The two of them hopped into the car, this time Jimin behind the wheel. He plugged the key in and drove as quick as possible. Seokjin stared at the glitching nude on his phone, watching it carefully for anything odd.

"Hurry hurry hurry." Jimin chanted under his breath as he drove, now about to enter the college campus. Suddenly a piercing shrill came from Jimin's phone, making him press the accelerator so hard. It was such a tumultuous noise, the type that can tear your eardrums.

Their car crashed into the tree outside the campus, trickle of blood coming out their ears, the airbag protecting their heads from crashing harder. The two of them coiled in pain, hands pressed into their ears, hearing a buzz in their head. Jimin screamed and screamed, but nothing, the buzz was all that was heard. He wanted nothing but to stop the noise from making him go deaf. The decibel was so loud.

With the last bit of his strength, his shaky hand opened his door. He fell out of the car, crawling on the ground on his elbows with his head in his hands. His head was spinning, the buzz still ringing everywhere. He laid on the ground, his vision a little blurry as he stared at Seokjin's weak state crying in pain, blood coming out of his ears and head where he had hit.

The buzz from his phone stopped, but he could still hear it. He laid on the ground, his body weak and crumbled. His leg felt broken from how hard he crashed into the tree, almost the front of the car crushed and distorted. Jimin didn't know if it was his tears or just his vision. But everything was painful.

He couldn't hear anything. He couldn't think anything. He couldn't see anything.

He just laid on the ground, bleeding in pain. He couldn't feel where all the blood was coming from, but he knew he was bleeding. A lot. His strained eyes struggled to stay open. He cried further when he saw a charger wrapped around Seokjin's neck, choking him in his seat.

Jimin cried. Wailed. Sobbed. But to deaf ears.

He watched through his fuzzy vision as Seokjin fought for his life, his legs kicking from where they were lodged into the crushed front of the car. He had failed him. He couldn't save Seokjin. He was watching him die, but couldn't help. He always watched people die. That moment, felt so grudgingly familiar.

It was like the night he lost his family.

Just like this, he laid on the ground, bleeding to death. All he could do as a nine year old child was cry, watching his family crush beneath their car, blood everywhere. Blood. Blood. Blood was all he could see.

He watched his mother's body bleeding, her eyes filled with tears as she looked at her son in pain, before she died. He watched his father's mouth move in a small 'sorry' before he took his last breath. He watched his older sister, a big shard of glass lodged into her shoulder as she bled down her chest, coughing out some blood before she closed her eyes. He watched his small pup, Tata mewling and purring in pain. Jimin watched it all. Watched his loved ones die; cried in blood and pain before he fell into the pit of darkness.

And it was all repeating. Jimin couldn't save anyone. Again.

He laid on the ground, curling in pain, pressing his cheek to the ground with tears rolling down his eyes. He saw his phone, cracked and broken, lying idly beside his head. He closed his eyes, welcoming the darkness. It was all dark, endless darkness, the buzz turning into soft silence as he was drawn closer to unconsciousness. The pain of losing someone wasn't something new to him, but something that always tore him into pieces.

Guilt. It made him very guilty. Vulnerable. Insecure. It made him hate himself. He couldn't live with the guilt of knowing someone died on his watch. It hurt him, tore him to pieces.

"For you," He heard a voice from his phone. Jimin knew he was dreaming, or perhaps he wasn't. But his body was not willing to move, giving into unconsciousness. He couldn't do anything but just listen. "I love you. And I will do anything for you, Jimin. I'm sorry." A mellow voice came. "And this is all for you."


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