Chapter 2: We meet again...

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[Y/N] had finally made it to her doorstep, filled with relief she unlocked her door and stepped inside. It was about 11 pm, and all she could think about was taking a warm bubble bath, having some dinner, and going straight to bed.

An hour later...

'Finally...' she thought as she slipped under her warm and soft blankets, 'Peace at last'. Well... that's what she hoped for, but now that her mind was clear, she couldn't help but think about the strange man she met in the alleyway. Wondering how she hadn't noticed him following her earlier and why he tried to assault her in the first place. Even though she was used to men trying to touch her, she could tell that his intentions were different, evil perhaps...

"Ugh... Why do I even care?" she said out loud in a frustrated voice, "it's not like I'm going to see him again... I hope". [Y/N] slipped out of bed and was headed to the kitchen to make herself some chamomille tea. Just when she was about to open her bedroom door, she heard a bang in the living room.

'... Did someone break in?' [Y/N] thought to herself. She was nervous but mostly angry. 'Can I not get a break today?!'

[Y/N] had dealt with enough crap today, and she was not about to have her sleep taken as well. She heard footsteps getting closer and closer, she could hear them opening doors and stepping inside each room. Deciding to use her quirk instead, she took some electricity out of her lamp and waited. Hearing as they finally reached her door, her breath hitched, and right when it opened, [Y/N] punched the intruder with all her strength.

"OW! What the hell [Y/N]?!"

[Y/N] turned on the lights to find a red-headed boy with green eyes holding his bleeding nose. It was her best friend Alex!

[Y/N] freaked out, "Oh shit! I'm so sorry! I thought you were a crimi- Hold on," she stopped her ranting, "What are you even doing here? It's midnight!"

Alex stared at her nervously chuckling, "Let's just say that I might have... um... stayed out partying too long, and my mom took all the keys and didn't let me in..."

[Y/N] believed him, he was the kind of guy to get in trouble for the stupidest things.

"HA! That's what you get for not moving out of your parents' house" [Y/N] loved making fun of him for this, but she wasn't wrong, he was almost 21 and he was still living with his parents.

Alex rolled his eyes as he made his way to the couch and decided to crash there.

The Next Day...

[Y/N] woke up early, made breakfast, kicked Alex out, got ready, and made her way to work. She was determined to have a good day and tried to avoid as many people as possible. [Y/N] worked at a receptionist, which meant she was always busy, however, when she arrived, there were barely any people. [Y/N] sat in her chair waiting for a call, but to her surprise, she hadn't received even one. Even though she enjoyed the peace, something was off, never in her two years of working in the agency had it been this quiet.

[Y/N] was bored to death, so she decided to stand up and stretch. As her [E/C] orbs scanned the room, her eyes locked with two blue orbs. There was a man, tall, with spiky black hair, young, but filled with purple wrinkles and surgical staples almost everywhere. His eyes seemed familiar, like if she had seemed them before. Ignoring that fact, she started to worry about how long he had been waiting.

"Oh no no no no... He'll get me fired!" [Y/N] whispered as she started to panic.

[Y/N] signaled the man to come over. Once he reached her desk, she started frantically bowing, "I'm so s-sorry... I had no idea you were there, please don't file a complaint..."

The only thing [Y/N] heard was a low chuckle, "I won't complain, what's the point in that?" she recognized that voice. [Y/N] slowly looked up until her [E/C] orbs locked with the man's blue orbs.

'ITS HIM, THAT MAN FROM LAST NIGHT' [Y/N] tried to pretend as if she didn't know him. "How can I help y-". She was cut off as the man leaned in, grabbed a strand of her [H/C] hair, and started playing with it. She could see that stupid smirk of his building up in his lips. "Don't pretend like you don't know me... You're that bitch who threw that brick at me...".

Oh, how that word triggered [Y/N] 'BITCH?! ME? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO FREAKING ATTACKED ME!" was what [Y/N] wanted to say, but she tried to stay calm.

"Sir, I have no idea what you're talking about..." [Y/N] said in a calm tone as she snatched her strand of hair from his hand.

"Don't act so innocent doll," he replied as [Y/N] glared at him enraged, "It'll do you no good."

"I don't think I need to repeat myself," [Y/N] looked away as she grabbed some papers, "Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really now?" he said as he grabbed her throat and pulled her towards him. Moving her [H/L] [H/C] hair, he exposed her neck and whispered into her ear making her gasp. "Would you like to explain this purple burn mark?" [Y/N] was screwed, he knew who she was. [Y/N] knew she was in trouble, she could just feel it.

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz