Chapter 16: Forgiveness

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Tension filled the air as Dabi glared at the man that stood before him. He didn't like this innocent look of his one bit; he knew that there had to be some other kind of motive. This time he wasn't going to hesitate, whether [Y/N] liked it or not, he was going to kill him. Lifting his hand, he sent his blue flames flying straight for the man.

"Move!" Dabi's eyes widened as he saw [Y/N] jump on top of Nole, shoving him out of the way. She had managed to get both him and his puppy to safety but got a nasty burn on her bare back. Her clothes were also burned, and she only had a small piece of her shirt to cover herself.

Wincing in pain, she started to hyperventilate, pointing towards the kitchen, she managed to let out a few words, "Inhaler... Kitchen... please..."

Quickly reacting, Nole dashed to the kitchen and came back with her inhaler, but before he could help her, Dabi snatched it out of his hands. Pushing him out of the way, he knelt beside [Y/N] as he wrapped her in his black vest. Looking back up at him, Dabi stared into Nole's red eyes, his blue eyes beginning to glow, "Leave... Now!"

Nole wanted to fight back, but from the looks of it, he didn't stand a chance. Not only was he at a disadvantage, but he also had Beau with him, and he didn't want to hurt his furry baby. It hurt him inside, Nole wanted to help [Y/N], but he knew it would only stir more problems. Quickly grabbing Beau, he walked towards the door, looking back before walking out.

"At least it looks like he cares for her, right, Beau?"

This was the only thing he could say to avoid feeling guilty about leaving her. Sure, it looked like that strange man treated [Y/N] with care, but whoever he was, Nole knew he was trouble, and the last thing he wanted is [Y/N] mixed up in whatever mess that man is involved in.


As Dabi looked at [Y/N] with remorse in his eyes, [Y/N] stood up as she caught her breath. Looking down at Dabi with her teary eyes, she asked in a quiet voice, "Was that really necessary?"

"Why do you do this? Not only Alex, but also Nole? He didn't even do anything!"

Dabi only stared at the floor, giving her no response. Irritated, [Y/N] stomped to her room, "If you're man enough to act, you should be man enough to explain!"

Slamming her door, Dabi stood up and set her inhaler on the kitchen counter. Grabbing some cookies and muffins he had bought for her, he walked over to her room and opened the door, "I brought you cookies..."

Turning her head away from Dabi's direction as she laid on her belly, she retorted, "Nole already bought me some..."

After saying that, she didn't hear anything else except the sound of thunder as it began to rain. Sitting up, she realized that Dabi had left and closed her bedroom door, leaving her all alone. Walking out of her bedroom, she didn't find Dabi anywhere, but she did find a brown paper bag in her trash can. Pulling it out, she noticed a small note on it that made her smile, 'Sweets for a Salty Girl...'

[Y/N] had now gathered up her emotions, and she couldn't help but feel sorry for the way she treated Dabi. He had been considerate enough to buy baked goods as an apology, and she rejected him. Grabbing a jacket and gently putting it on, she grabbed an umbrella and walked out of the house.

After searching for about an hour, [Y/N] gave up, it was getting late and cold, she had that agonizing pain on her back, and the rain was no help. Finally arriving home, she opened the door to reveal Dabi, sleeping on the couch. Oh, the frustration! [Y/N] felt like throwing something at his face, but she resisted the urge. Slamming the door, Dabi woke up, "I thought you were in your room..."

Crossing her arms, she glared at him, "No, you dipshit! I was looking for you! And you were here all along!"

Yawning, he stood up rubbing his eyes, "Why were you looking for me?"

Looking down at her hands, she quietly responded, "I thought you were upset with me... and I felt sorry for treating you like that..."

Raising his eyebrow, he smirked, "Why would I be upset with you? If I'm upset with anyone, it's me..."

"I put my own feelings before you, and I even ended up unintentionally hurting you..."

Walking towards [Y/N], he lifted her face up with his hand, giving her a small peck on her lips, "I'm sorry."

Rolling her eyes, she kissed him back, "It's fine. But I swear I will kill you if you do anything like this again."

Smirking, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his chest, "I want you so bad, but you're fucking injured."

Crossing her arms, she looked up at him, playfully sticking her tongue out, "Your fault."


Dragging her towards the restroom, he made her sit down facing away from him. Grabbing a bag, he slightly lifted her shirt up, "I need you to take this off."

Looking back at him, she raised her eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"Just do what I'm asking you to do if you don't want to end up like me, doll," he said pointing at his scars.

Hesitating, she slowly removed her shirt, revealing her burnt, bleeding back. As Dabi applied the medications, he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he did that to her, he hated himself for it. Finishing up, he saw a drop of blood fall on the floor, 'the fuck? Why am I crying?'

As [Y/N] turned around to face him, she freaked out at the sight of blood on his face, "Oh my gosh! Why are your eyes bleeding?!"

Getting no response, Dabi threw himself at her, putting his hands on her bottom to avoid touching her back. Burying his face in her neck, [Y/N] could hear him mumbling, "I'm crying... and it's your damn fault..."

[Y/N] was stunned for a second, she didn't know how to react. Not only was she half-naked, but Dabi was crying? Tand that was definitely not something she was used to seeing. Giving in, she wrapped one of her arms around his back as she ruffled his hair with the other.

Gently getting him off her body, she could see that he was slightly embarrassed and confused with what had just occurred. Getting up, he cleaned and put everything away before heading to the living room. Grabbing some snacks, he laid back on a beanbag and demanded [Y/N] to sit next to him. Doing so, he grabbed [Y/N] and laid her on top of him. The only thing that was different was the fact that [Y/N] didn't resist this time, she willingly rested on him and even allowed him to feed her. Watching the movie in each other's embrace, they both fell asleep with their arms wrapped around each other.

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now