Chapter 18: The Unknown Being

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[Y/N] could still hear the voice and breathing, but she couldn't move a muscle. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move, the only thing she could do was speak. Even though it seemed totally useless, she decided to say something, "Release me this i-instant!" Surprisingly, it actually worked.

Finally being able to move again, [Y/N] began scanning the room, to her surprise, there was no one in sight. Getting out of bed, she turned on the lights and began walking around the house. It was so strange, she couldn't even process what happened, was it all a dream?

Walking back to her room, she noticed a man sitting on the chair that was placed on the very corner of her bedroom. Thinking it was Dabi, she rushed over, only to find, no one?

'Okay, this is really creeping me out...'

[Y/N] really freaked out, it couldn't possibly be her mind playing tricks, right? It was just about enough for her. Standing up, she walked over to the kitchen to brew some tea, hoping that it would clear her mind. As she poured it into a cup, she nearly dropped it as she heard the same voice behind her, "Oooh! Tea! I want some!"

Trying not to panic, she quietly grabbed a knife an sent it flying towards the shadow that stood behind her. Slowly turning around, she saw as the black figure lifted the knife up and examined it, "You're lucky objects can't touch me, or I might have died."

She couldn't clearly see they're face for they were hidden in the shadows. Demanding them to come out, [Y/N] slowly stepped back as a man emerged from the shadows. He was a tall young man, ash black hair and red eyes that pierced through her soul.

"W-who are you?" [Y/N] kept her eyes on him, making sure he wouldn't make any sudden moves.

Chuckling in a low voice, his face turned expressionless realizing that she was serious, "Oh. You really don't remember me?"

He stood up and crossed his arms, and started pacing around the room, "Dammit, that old hag did a good job..."

Looking at him, she felt relieved, he seemed completely harmless... and kinda cute. Finally speaking up, she poured some tea into another cup, "Umm... I'm really not too keen on this, but I'm gonna need you to explain what's going on."

Sitting down, she stared at him waiting for him to begin. But as soon as he sat down, [Y/N] heard a knock at the door. Checking through the peep hole, she slightly panicked seeing Dabi on the other side.

"You're panicking..."

"Huh?" she looked back at the man as he sipped his tea.

"You're panicking... I can feel it, just open the door..."

Widening her eyes, she looked at him as he continued enjoying his tea, "No... you don't understand, its-."

"It's Dabi. Yes, I know, just open the damn door."

Upon hearing this, [Y/N]'s heart sunk, how the hell did he know that? who was he? WHAT was he? Lost in her own thoughts, she jumped as she felt his hand on top of hers, turning the doorknob.

'No, no, no!' she tried to stop him and retreat her arm, but she couldn't, it was as if she were under a spell... was this his quirk or something? Finally, the door was wide open, and the man went back to his spot and sat down.

"What took so damn long?"

[Y/N] turned her attention back to Dabi as her hand started to nervously shake. "Umm... nothing!"

Raising his eyebrow, he scanned the room and looked back at her, "is that so?"

Immediately after saying this, Dabi heard clattering in the kitchen, as if someone was preparing a meal. Moving [Y/N] to the side, he stomped over to the kitchen, but he didn't find anything, just a cupcake on a plate. Picking it up and examining, he took a bite, "Did you make this?"

"Umm... Yes! Mhmm. I did!" she was getting nervous, wondering where HE had gone, she anxiously walked away, leaving Dabi in the kitchen.

Searching every single room in the house, she finally found him laying in her bed shirtless. SHIRTLESS!

"Oi! What the hell are you doing?! You need to leave!"

He only rolled his eyes and turned to the side, "Nope! The bed is my best friend."

Sure, she had only met him like ten minutes ago, but it annoyed her how stubborn and immature he showed to be. Trying to push him off, she began to hear footsteps approach the room. 'Shit! Shit! No!'

"Stop cussing." the man mumbled as he wrapped himself in a blanket.

[Y/N] stood there shocked, could he also read minds? This was terrifying, she was starting to get the impression that he was a stalker. But what scared her even more was hearing her door creak open.

She could still see the man laying on her bed, so she was petrified to find out how Dabi would react.

Peeking in, Dabi looked over at the end of her room and began walking over to the bed as [Y/N] backed up in fear. As she got out of bed, she felt as his hand grabbed her waist and threw her in bed making her grunt from the impact. [Y/N] anxiously glanced at the man who laid right beside her, wondering why Dabi hadn't said anything. Following her stare, Dabi looked over at what she was looking at and looked back down at her. Looking into her [E/C] eyes, he squinted his eyes, "Why are you being so weird?"

[Y/N] didn't respond, she only kept glancing on the man who currently looked at both of them with a sly smile on his face.

"I'll leave you two to it." He said before disappearing in the blink of an eye again.

Getting up, Dabi took his vest off and threw it to the side. Still confused on the way [Y/N] was acting, he stared at her as she sat up.

"Why didn't you do anything?"

Thinking she was referring to something else, he threw himself on the bed and threw her along with him, making her squeal. Removing his shirt, he chuckled seeing [Y/N] cover her face in embarrassment. Gently nudging her, he removed her shirt as well, to make a strange discovery, her back was all healed up...

Deciding to not ruin the moment, he just saw it as a sign that he didn't have to be gentle with her tonight. Grabbing her, he laid her back in bed and toppled over her, giving her his stupid smirk like always. After locking eyes for a good minute, it wasn't long before he started devouring her.


As the mysterious man sat in the living room, he could almost hear everything that was going on in the room. Drinking from his tea cup, he smirked, "I shipped them since the beginning."

A Dreamy Nightmare [Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now