Chapter 13: The Kidnap

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Preparing herself for the next "meeting" with the league of villains, [Y/N] took her sweet time before heading out. Putting on her usual villain attire, she grabbed her bag and walked out the door, locking it behind her. It was a long trip, she had to take at least three subways to arrive.

Finally, arriving at the base, she walked in, immediately hearing Toga call out her name as she waved at her, "[Y/N]! Come sit with me!"

Taking a seat beside her, Shigaraki began explaining the next big mission. Apparently, they were planning to kidnap a student from UA. [Y/N] wasn't too keen on this, but what choice did she really have, she wasn't in charge here.

As he finished up, [Y/N] scanned the room, looking for a certain someone. Her eyes lit up as she finally found Dabi, leaning against the wall near the back like always. Making eye contact with him, [Y/N] stuck out her tongue at him, making Dabi smirk.

Waiting for nightfall to strike, [Y/N] got a good view of everyone around the bar. From the weird-looking lizard, Spinner, to someone as elegant as Mr. Compress, she could tell they were like any other person. 'They just want to be accepted' is what [Y/N] thought in her head, and she wasn't wrong, they really wanted that. From years of trauma, humiliation, danger, and many other things, they only saw this miserable league as a safe place, a place where they can be them, that's all they wanted. Being forced to join the league could make anyone hate them, but after analyzing everything, she was actually warming up to them. They weren't as terrible as most believed; they were actually very charming, fun, and pleasant beings, well, not thinking about their crimes.

Cutting off her train of thought, [Y/N] realized that nightfall had already approached and it was time to take action. Arriving at their destination, all the villains went to get their job done, leaving you alone with Dabi.

Confused, [Y/N] tapped Dabi's shoulder, "Um... What am I supposed to do? There's no freaking energy here."

No one had really put [Y/N]'s quirk into consideration for this mission, so there was nothing she could do. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked off, leaving her alone.

"Great! Now I'm all alone."

Sitting under a nearby tree, she let out a deep sigh before she heard someone in the bushes.

'Oh hell no! I'm not getting arrested today!' Quickly reacting, [Y/N] ran off trying to find someone from the league. [Y/N] wasn't planning on doing anything, but the pro-heroes that were there didn't know that, and she was not gonna take any chances.

Hearing all the screams as you saw the students fighting, broke your heart. They looked so helpless, but they didn't give up, they got up again and gave it their all. Not being able to stand that sight anymore, [Y/N] took off running again, until reaching the area where Mr. Compress was fighting some students. Not knowing why she started to hyperventilate, she had a small panic attack. She really hated this, she never wanted this in her life, but here she was, a "villain".

As her body shook uncontrollably, she felt someone pick her up. Looking up, she saw Dabi, calming down as she heard his calm voice, "We're done here, we need to go."

Hearing this gave her a bit of relief, she was ready to go, she didn't like this one bit. Being carried into Kurogiri's warp gate, the last thing she could hear were the students calling out for their classmate who the league had successfully kidnapped.


Setting her down, Dabi could tell that she was extremely anxious. He hated seeing [Y/N] like that, but he couldn't do anything about it, maybe comfort her, but he didn't know how to do that either. Watching her, he could see her peeking at the restricted student over his shoulder.

Shigaraki tried to convince the spiky-haired boy into joining the league, but he quickly refused. The boy had some serious anger issues, that was clear, so it wasn't long before he set himself free and started attacking. Sending an explosion towards Shigaraki, making [Y/N] flinch, hiding behind Dabi.

Before any other move was made, the wall had suddenly exploded, revealing several pro-heroes who had come for the boy's rescue. Feeling branches wrap around her waist, she found herself completely restrained seconds after. Looking at Dabi, she saw blue fire starting to appear around him. He was clearly trying to escape, but before he could use his full power, he was knocked out unconscious by a short old man. Reason unclear, seeing this had really pissed her off. Unable to control her rage, the lights started to flicker as she unintentionally absorbed the energy left in the building. Suddenly, before [Y/N] even tried anything, a strange gray substance started surrounding the villains, including herself.

"Kamui Woods! Don't let them go under any circumstances!"

All Might was just as shocked as all of the villains, this was the last thing they were expecting, especially when Nomus started coming out. Being teleported in a collapsed building, [Y/N] quickly tried to find Dabi.

Finding him unconscious, she put her head on his chest to assure herself that he was still alive. Gently grabbing his body, she swung him over her shoulders and started walking toward Toga. [Y/N] hadn't realized that All for one was present until he had forcingly sent all of the members through Kurogiri's warp gate using Magne's quirk. Even though she was unexpectedly thrown into the portal, she hadn't let go of Dabi, she held on to him even tighter.

Finally, getting thrown out, [Y/N] found herself in the comfort of her own home. It was strange at first, but then she thought about it, 'My house is pretty far... and no one knows about me or where I live... So I guess it's safe?' Yup! It was safe, it was the one place that no one would think of searching for a villain. Since [Y/N] didn't really know or have contact with anyone, it made it even safer.

Realizing that Dabi had also been sent there with her, she quickly picked him up and took him to her room. Setting him down, she removed his vest and tank top, leaving him shirtless. Looking down at him, [Y/N] bit her lip, scanning his body. Shaking her head, she looked away flustered, 'You fucking pervert! He's asleep, show some respect!'

Cleaning him up with a wet piece of cloth, she tucked him in bed and gave him a small peck on the forehead. Smirking, she gently ruffled his hair, "You're now under my control Sleeping Beauty."


After showering and having something to eat, [Y/N] slipped into bed. Laying her head down, she closed her eyes, trying to forget that Dabi was laying right next to her shirtless. She was great at controlling herself but damn! She wanted him. Just the thought of him had her heart racing.

'Oi! What's wrong with me? What am I thinking?'

Finally, clearing her mind, she laid back and let out a deep sigh. Closing her eyes, hoping to get some rest, she felt Dabi snuggle against her breast, making her face go crimson red. She could feel her heart going crazy, ready to jump out, but instead of pushing him away, she let him stay there.

Not even trying to get him off, [Y/N] started making excuses in her head, 'He's really tired... Maybe I should let him sleep...'

Closing her eyes, she rested her hair on top of his black hair, "Yeah, let him sleep..." Yawning, she fell asleep. 

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