Chapter 20: Say What Now?

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Clearing his throat and organizing his collar, he looked into her eyes as he suddenly pulled her near him, making her gasp at the sudden movement. As their noses touched, [Y/N] tried to pull back, but his sturdy hand remained on her waist, keeping her close. Giving her a smirk, he took one last breath, "I am you."

"Say what now?", [Y/N] stared at him with visible confusion all over her face.

"I'm you," he repeated himself, clearly irritated in having to do so.

"Yeah yeah, I heard you, but why did you make it so suspicious... I was expecting something much worse," she said, still confused with his response.

Pushing away from her, he rose his eyebrow, "I see... The reason you reacted this way is because you don't understand."

Grabbing a small journal out of his right pocket, he mumbled under his breath, "Nothing less to expect out of a human."

Searching through the journal for at least a good 5 minutes, he closed it and put it back in his pocket. Straightening up, he gestured [Y/N] to follow him as they walked through the garden. Walking through the walkway, he kept his eye straight ahead, before drawing his attention to [Y/N] as she nudged his elbow, "I don't like you. But can I at least get your name?"

Widening his eyes, he fixed his hair, "How rude of me, I never introduced myself."

Bowing his head he held her hand, "You may call me Damian."

Standing up in his usual stance, he continued walking down the path, "look around you... what do you feel?"

[Y/N] did exactly what she was asked, looking around she took a deep breath and absorbed the view, "well... I feel peaceful, calm."

Smiling, Damian pat her head, "very good."

"You see..." he continued, "the reason it looks this peaceful is because your state of mind is currently calm and relaxed."

"Wait." [Y/N] put her hand up as she began thinking, "Are you meaning to tell me that... we're in my head?"

Slightly shocked by her statement, Damian smirked, "it looks like you're not so stupid after all."

It was all beginning to make sense now... This explained why no one could see him, why he knew so much, and why he was able to do what he did. However, it still didn't answer the one question that roamed in her head, what was he? Sure he said that he was her, and it kinda made sense, but [Y/N] wanted a solid answer. But before she could even ask, Damian began talking about the very thing she wanted to know.

"I'm a creature made up of your desires; almost like an inner demon." He bluntly answered the question inside her head without a warning, "I know and feel everything when it comes to you."

As he said this, her body began to shiver, "so you mean to tell me that I'm possessed?!", visible panic began to show in her eyes as she tried to understand this.

Damian stared at her and shook his head, "no... like I said, its too much for the human brain to comprehend."

About an hour went by, and Damian explained everything to her until it made sense. He began by explaining how he was able to distinguish his feelings apart from her feelings, how the environment changed according to her emotions, and his many powers and how he helped strengthen hers. But the one thing that he said that really messed with her, was the fact that he said that she was allowing her true, evil side to come out. This being the only reason he was able to come back. What the heck did he mean? Evil? How?

This all seemed impossible and unbelievable to [Y/N], but Damian made it clear that he was not going to talk about it, at least not yet... It all had to wait for when she was ready. It really bugged [Y/N], why couldn't he tell her now? What was it that she needed to be "ready" for?

As Damian continued talking, he could see as the skies got darker and wind started to blow. Since panic and confusion always led to some kind of storm, he tried calming her down by telling her that everything would be fine, but it only made it worst.

"Fine?!" [Y/N] stood up and started hollering at him, "All I wanted was a normal life, and this is fine?!"

"Relax." Damian answered with a calm voice, "If you get any more upset, you're going to get us stuck in a tornado."

Looking around, [Y/N] saw how everything had changed, the grass was gone, the floor was hard and dry, and the sky was filled with dark clouds everywhere. Thinking that it was best for her to calm down, she took a deep shaky breath, having the clouds clear out right away. The scene wasn't as beautiful as it looked before, but anything was better than a tornado.

Finally recomposing herself again, she opened her mouth to speak, but instead of words coming out. she began coughing and hacking. Thinking it was an asthma attack, she quickly searched for her inhaler, but she couldn't find it. Looking up to Damian as to ask for help, she could see him peacefully staring down at her.


"[Y/N]... Hey [Y/N]...", [Y/N] slowly began to open her eyes as a blurry image above her whispered her name. Finally returning to reality, she immediately sat up and scanned her surroundings. Taking a relived breath, she looked back up at Dabi, who currently had a smirk on his face.

At first, [Y/N] was confused, but when she finally realized that she was still wrapped in her towel, she immediately jumped up. Keeping his eyes fixated on her the whole time, Dabi licked his bottom lip as he took in the view. Awkwardly smiling, [Y/N] embarrassingly pointed at her room, "Can I-"

"Yeah, you can go get dressed..." Dabi said, interrupting her mid sentence, "if you must."


Walking out, [Y/N] saw Dabi relaxing on the couch. Carefully sneaking up on him, she jumped on top of him and gave him a tight hug, "how was your day?"

Putting his head back he sighed, "Shitty..."

Seeing [Y/N] frown at the comment, Dabi chuckled, but just when he was about to say something, [Y/N] had fallen asleep; seems like that little adventure with Damian drained her...

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