Chapter 1 - "We have to go."

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Pain jolted Taylor out of her sleep. The intensity of The Pull gripping her stomach made her gasp and clutch the edge of her mattress. When the feeling didn't subside, she staggered out of her bed, sheets tangling around her body. Trying to think through the claws digging into her stomach, she threw off the blankets but only managed to trip herself. She hit her carpeted floor, swearing.

Tearing the sheet away from her ankles, she staggered to her feet and fumbled with her clothes, grimacing as she changed into the all-black outfit. She had barely slipped into her shoes and hadn't even bothered tugging on her hood when she vanished from her room.

As she landed on a coarse surface, she sank to all fours, breathing heavily as the pain vanished. Dazed, she lifted her head, staring out on her surroundings. A chill night wind whipped around her, flinging her dark hair into her face.

Taylor pushed herself up and rubbed her eyes, trying to get her bearings. She was on a rooftop. The moon was high in the sky. The buildings around her were mostly dark. From the skyscraper across from her with the glowing sign of the Fidelity Investment sign, she knew she was in the heart of the city.

Another gust of wind caught up her hair and she grabbed the tangled mane, burying it in her jacket and settling her hood on her head. Trapped in the breeze was the acrid smell of something burning. Taylor glanced around, spotting an angry orange glow coming from a building across the way. Blinking furiously and stumbling once, Taylor moved to the building's ledge and peered over it.

One floor of the Court House tower coughed out pillars of smoke. Taylor sagged against the ledge, gripping the rough stone to keep her upright.

"You got to be kidding me," she breathed out.

In the distance, she heard the wail of sirens and turned her head, hoping to spot the firetrucks careening down the street, but they weren't that close. She stared at the Court House, watching as flames shattered windows and licked the night air. Even from across the street, Taylor could feel waves of heat. She didn't move, didn't act, could only stand there frozen on the rooftop, eyes locked on the inferno.

Taylor dropped her head into her arms. Three hours of sleep didn't feel like enough to deal with this. The thought of going home and letting the fire department handle the situation passed through her mind. But on the tail end of that thought she heard her father's voice in her head, 'What ever you have in your hand to do, do with all your might'.

Lifting her head, Taylor gazed up at the floors above the fire, she spotted more than a dozen windows with lights still on. Her heart grew heavy in her chest. There were still people in there. People that were thirty stories above the fire. People that might not make it out before the firefighters got there. She didn't have a lot of might, but she had a might that no one else had.

Forcing herself upright, Taylor left the safety of her rooftop and jumped to the top floor where a light was on. A blaring alarm hit her eardrums as she popped into the office and she winced, the sound cutting through the sluggishness in her brain. The shock of the office lamp made her squint.

She spun a circle trying to find the occupant who had turned it all. But all she found was an empty chair, open computer, a scattering of files, a half-eaten sandwich, and a poster with a kitten clinging to a branch telling her to hang in there.

Darting out of the room, she paused before a maze of cubicles and hallways leading to glass-walled offices.

"Hello?" Taylor called out, her voice still rough from sleep. "Is anyone here?"

There was no response. She swore, the alarm drilling into her head as she sprinted through the office, calling out as she went. When she found the level completely empty, she raced to the doorway leading to the stairs and yanked it open.

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