Chapter 4 - "You should have told me."

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The world returned in a muddle of voices. When Taylor pried her eyes open, a glare of light and two blurry forms hovered over her. A pounding had taken up residence in her head. Scowling, she tried to reach up to touch her forehead, but her arm felt weak and she didn't make it.


For the first time, her name sounded clear. Blinking, the figures took on solidity. Beside Clint was a girl who looked about in her late twenties and could have been Clint's twin if not for the age difference. Her auburn hair was tied back and her chocolate eyes were the same shade as his.

"Taylor, can you hear me?" Clint asked.

When she gave a tired nod, the tension in his face softened and he let out a breath. Taylor attempted to push herself up, but Clint rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Take it easy," he said. "You don't want to pass out again."

Taking his advice, she laid her head back, feeling how very heavy every inch of her felt. After a minute, she twisted her head to him.

"Want to sit up?" he asked.

She nodded and he slid a hand under her shoulder blades, easing her into a sitting position. The thrumming in her skull continued and she winced, pressing her palm against her temple.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

Taylor closed her eyes, trying to push away the beating. The mirror was cool against her back and she leaned into it, accepting all of its support.

"Head hurts. Tired," she said.

When she opened her eyes, Clint's forehead was pinched with concern. He gestured to the girl beside him.

"Taylor this is my oldest sister, Naomi. She's a nurse. Is it okay if she looks you over, makes sure there's not a concussion?"

"Sure," Taylor said, resting her head back.

As Naomi shifted to sit in front of Taylor, she nudged Clint. "Get a cup of water."

Clint rose as Naomi gave a preliminary scan of Taylor. Her movements were a strange blend of efficient and caring, a side effect of her career.

"Can you tell me the last time you ate?" she asked, checking Taylor's pulse.

Trying to think around the pulsing in her brain, Taylor retraced the day, finding each allotted time for meals empty.

"I think it was a bag of chips at 2 am," she said.

Naomi's eyes crinkled in a smile as understanding dawned on her. She sank back on her ankles.

"And the last time you drank water?"

Taylor made a face, racking her brain. "Coffee this morning."

Settling down beside his sister, Clint exchanged a look with her. When he handed Taylor the paper cup, his expression was controlled.

"Drink this, it will help with the headache."

With a murmur of thanks, Taylor took it and sipped at the water. It was only then that she felt her body craving the liquid. She downed all of the cup's contents.

"Get her more water," she said, then looked at Taylor. "I will be right back with Gatorade and something for you to eat. I believe you passed out from a mix of dehydration and low blood sugar. Stay with her, Clint."

Clint retrieved another cup of water for Taylor as Naomi left. With the second cup of water, Taylor felt the pounding in her head receding. Before she had a chance to ask for another, Clint was pushing himself up and moving to get one. He came back right as the door opened again and Naomi walked in.

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